Chapter 2

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A few weeks later, Haera was having her breakfast with her family when suddenly her mom told her to go and change her attire after she's done with her breakfast. "Where are we going?" asked Haeri as she finishes her plain water. "We're going to your father's friend house..." answered Mrs.Go. "Mom.... Im gonna be bored hearing you both talking~" whined Haera "Hey, I heard he has a very handsome son... so, why don't you try to be friend with him?" teased Mrs. Go and chuckled. "arasseo.... I'll go change now~" said Haera while walking to the sink to wash her dishes.


"Wow dad," amazed Haera as soon as she get off from her father's car looking at the big mansion in front of her. "judging from the mansion, im guessing your friend is a CEO or something?" asked Haera "well, he is." Smiled Mr. Go. While they were talking, an old man in his 50's came approaching them. "Welcome," said the old man as he bowed to them and led them to the house. "Dad, are you sure this is your friend house?" whispered Haera as three of them took a sit in the living room. "Have a seat for a while, I'll call Mr. Oh~" said the butler and went upstairs.

"Of course my dear~" answered Mr. Go as one of the maids serves them some hot tea and strawberry chiffon cake for each of them. While seated, Haera was looking around the house when suddenly one of the photos that was placed on one of the cabinet there caught her eyes. *his son looks familiar* thought Haera as she was staring at the photo when suddenly, the owner of the house; Mr. Oh greeted them while coming down the stairs. "Oh hello there," said Mr. Oh and went to seat with them in the living room.

"Sorry to make you wait~" said Mr.Oh. Then, both of his parent starts talking to the Mr. and Mrs. Oh together while Haera was just sitting down listening to them in bored. *im bored* thought Haera. A few seconds later, Mrs. Oh saw that her son was coming downstairs. "Oh, Sehun-ah, why don't you greet our Mr. and Mrs. Go here~" said Mr.Oh. *sehun?* thought Haera and was too surprised to see that their son is Oh Sehun, the one who just got transferred to her University. "Oh, you-" said Sehun while pointing to Haera "Annyeong~" greeted Haera while waving lightly towards him.

"You both know each other?" asked Mrs.Go and they both nodded "yeah, we're in the same class mom~" said Haera and smiles. "Where are you going son?" asked his father "We have a guest today~" continued Mr. Oh "Im going to meet my friends dad" said Sehun "Then, why not you bring Haera too? She will be bored being with us~" suggested Mrs.Oh "Oh, it's okay, im totally fine-" said Haera when suddenly she was surprised to hear that Sehun agreed on it. "Sure, come on~" said Sehun as he walked out from the living room followed by Haera.

"I didn't know that you're rich~" said Haera after she broke a silence. Sehun who was so into driving, heard what she said. "So, if I'm poor you don't want to talk to me?" teased Sehun. "Y-yah, I'm not saying that~" said Haera looking surprised "Poor or rich, I will still talk to you~" said Haera and Sehun chuckled. "Why are you laughing?" asked Haera in confused "Because it's fun teasing you~" said Sehun and smiled looking at her for a while. Haera doesn't know why, but when Sehun smiled towards her, her heartbeat was beating fast and she can feel her cheeks were burning. *what's wrong with me?* thought Haera while touching her cheeks with widened eyes. "Are you okay?" asked Sehun as he noticed her strange behaviour. "N-nothing" said Haera.

A few minutes later, finally they've reach their destination. As soon as Haera went out from his car, she saw a building that was unfamiliar to her. "Where are we?" asked Haera as she went near Sehun for a safety because the place seems very quiet and there's not much people around there. "A place where I hang out with friends~" answered Sehun and noticed Haera was looking her surrounding and by the way she behave, Sehun know that she's scared. "Come on, there's no need to be scared~" said Sehun and took her hands and brought her towards the building.

As soon as they entered the building, Haera was quite surprised with the interior design. It was modern and there's even a television, coffee table and a small kitchen. "Is this like your second house or something?" asked Haera in amazed. "Well, it's a place where I hang out with my friends~" said Sehun "Now come on, let's go downstairs~" added Sehun and took her hands. *downstairs?* thought Haera. When they've reached downstairs, Haera was very surprised because there's a lot of games and it look just like an arcade! "This is the game room and this, is the best part of the building~" grinned Sehun and Haera just nodded in amazed.

"Hey, Sehun~" said someone while holding a cup of coffee. "Wow, is that your girlfriend?" asked someone while holding a bag of chips. "Hyung, would you please not eating while standing?" asked Sehun and rolled his eyes and brought Haera to have a seat on the couch. After she took a seat, a few people starts to gather and Haera felt very awkward. "Hi there," greeted the one who was holding a cup of coffee and grinned. "Hi," said Haera shyly. "Hyung, this is Haera, one of my classamates~" said Sehun "and Haera, the one who was holding a cup is Suho hyung, the one eating the honey butter chips is Chanyeol hyung and the quiet one is Kyungsoo hyung or also known as D.O hyung..." said Sehun introducing her to each one of them.

"So, should I call you Kyungsoo or D.O?" asked Haera curiously "Up to you, im fine with it~" said D.O and Haera nodded. "Sorry if I disturbed you guys... Sehun is the one who brought me here when our parents were having a talk in his mansion~" said Haera "Ohh, it's fine plus, you can play some of the games here if you want besides, we own this place so there's no need for you to worry about it, okay?" said Suho and Haera nodded. "Okay~" smiled Haera and those smiles really melt Sehun's heart.


On the next day, Haera was having her brunch with Hanbin together. While she was eating her orange muffin when suddenly, Hanbin saw a blood was running down from her nose. "Haera," surprised Hanbin and gave her a piece of tissue and Haera wiped the blood. "Have you take your medicine today?" asked Hanbin in worried but Haera didn't answer him and keep quiet. With that, Hanbin already knew that Haera didn't take any medicine for a few days. "How many days you haven't take your medicine?" Hanbin asked calmly.

"Just two days.... I thought I'll be fine..." said Haera quietly. "Why? You do know that you have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow right?" scolded Hanbin "You have to take it alright... don't miss a day... and that's what the doctor said..." said Hanbin helping her wiping the blood and finally the blood stops from coming out from her noise. "Sorry..." pouted Haera and Hanbin let out his sigh and smiles while ruffling her hair.

"Would you come with me tomorrow?" asked Haera and Hanbin smiled again "Of course..." answered Hanbin. Well, Haera would never go to the hospital without Hanbin and he would always be there for her. "Now finish your muffin and you can go to your next class~" said Hanbin and Haera nodded. "arasseo~" said Haera cutely and finishes her muffin. "Hey, Haera~" greeted someone and when she turned her back, she saw Sehun was walking towards her with his sweet smiles. Suddenly, Haera took away the tissues that she used to wipe her blood and greeted him. "Hi Sehun~" waved Haera happily.

"Should we go to class now?" asked Sehun and Haera nodded. "Alright, let's go~" said Haera and stands up. "Goodbye Hanbin, thank you for accompanying me~" waved Haeara cutely and Hanbin waved her back. After both of left, Hanbin was left alone and let out a deep sigh *I wonder why she hid those tissues* thought Hanbin.

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