Chapter 10

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"Haera-ah!" shouted Sehun and went near her and found she lose conscious. "Haera-ah, wake up!" said Sehun as he brought her in his arms and Sehun was really scared if something had happened to her. *this is all my fault* thought Sehun. "Yah, stop joking... wake up please..." said Sehun and hugged her. When suddenly, he heard soft giggles and it turned out it was Haera. "Gotcha!" said Haera playfully and laughed.

"Haera-ah~" called Sehun and hugged her tightly not wanting to let her go. "Yah, what's wrong? Are you mad?" asked Haera who was still in his embrace. "I'm not mad... it's just thank you..." said Sehun as he broke the hug and take a look on his girlfriend. Even though it's dark, but there is still slight glimpse of Haera who was smiling towards him. "You scared me..." said Sehun as he stands up followed by Haera. "arasseo, I'm sorry, alright? Im just playing with you~" said Haera "I know that... now come on, we have to find one more golden key~" said Sehun as he took her hands and lok for another golden ring.

*I'm afraid that you will be gone* thought Sehun remembering what the doctor had told him that anywhere and anytime, anything could happen to her. A few minutes later, they've found the second golden key and they hurriedly went out from the haunted house. As what the worker promised, both of them had won two free meal coupon. "ASSA!" cheered Haera happily. "So, which stall should we go eat?" asked Haera. "Well, anywhere that you want~" said Sehun as he brushed her fringe from her eyes. "hurm, I feel like having some fishcake... should we go there?" asked Haera as she pointed to a stall at the corner. "Come on~" said Sehun as he brought them there.

Haera ate the fishcake happily and won't stop talking about the ghost in the haunted house. Meanwhile, Sehun was only listening to her because her voice sounds melodious to him and would never get bored listening to her. "Sehun," called Haera "yeah?" said Sehun as he looked at her. "Thank you for today, I had so much fun~" beamed Haera. Sehun can help but to smiles too. "No, "said Sehun as her caressed her cheeks "thank you for being with me~" said Sehun who was trying to hold his tears because he doesn't want to look weak in front of Haera.


On the next day, while Haera was helping his grandmother with breakfast, Sehun came out from his room drying his hair. "Oh, morning~" greeted Haera happily. "So, what are we having for breakfast?" asked Sehun "I made some pancakes with halmeoni just now~" answered Haera as she took a seat with Halmeoni. Then, three of them begin to have their breakfast together. "Oh yeah we're going somewhere this evening..." said Sehun "where?" asked Haera in curious. "Secret." Snickered Sehun "eyy don't be so full of secret!" said Haera making Sehun chuckled seeing her.

At evening later, as what Sehun had promised, both of them were going somewhere that Haera didn't know. "Will you tell me where we are going?" asked Haera looking at Sehun but he just gave her a smiles. "tch. Stingy." Said Haera and crossed her arms. A few minutes later, finally both of them arrived and Haera saw a few of elderly couples, young couples and even family were there. She saw there is a hill in front of them and she widened her eyes when she saw the word 'hiking' on the signboard. "Yah, are we going for a hiking?!" asked Haera in surprised as she went near Sehun.

"Yup. That's why I told you to put on a proper attire~" said Sehun and snickered. "You'll be fine right?" asked Sehun as he fixes her jacket. "Yeah... but I hate hiking... it's tiring~" pouted Haera cutely making Sehun chuckled. "That's okay, I can carry you if you're tired." Said Sehun and tapped on the tip of her nose making her blushed. *cute* thought Sehun. "Now come on, we might be late for the best view later~" said Sehun as he took her arms. Before they started hiking, Haera's phone beeped and it was a text from Hanbin.

"Hi bestie~ I guess you were having fun with Sehun,

Till you didn't even text me haha

Are you having fun? What are you doing now?"

"Oh, Sehun~" called Haera "why? You're feeling sick?" asked Sehun in worry. "No silly," said Haera "can I take a photo of us? I wanna show to Hanbin that I'm going for a hiking with you today~" added Haera. "Sure~" said Sehun as he went near her and put his arms around her while Haera was smiling and did the victory sign.

"Hi Hanbin! Sorry I didn't text you...

I'm having so much fun here!

We need to meet up sometimes when im back, alright?

Plus, we're going for a hiking today!

Can you believe it? Hehe well, I've got to go now...

See you bestie <3"

With that replies, both of them started to hike together. "Tell me if you need a rest alright?" said Sehun who was following her from the back and Haera nodded. "Don't worry, I'm a very strong girl~" said Haera in confidence. "How long are we going to hike?" asked Haera "for about half an hour~" answered Sehun "why? Are you tired?" asked Sehun "no~ I was just asking~" said Haera as she continues with the hiking. Both of them were hiking together without saying any word. Even though it was tiring, Haera felt happy because Sehun would let her try lots of things and would always made her forget about her sickness.

Half an hour later, finally they've reached the peak. "ASSA!!! FINALLY WE'RE HERE!" Exclaimed Haera happily as she extended her arms and ran lightly at the hill. Sehun couldn't help but to smile seeing how happy she is. He took a lot of candid photos of her. "Yah, calm down... let's go sit there... it has the best view~" said Sehun as he brought Haera to sit on the grass and looked at the green view in front of them. "Wow..." amazed Haera. "Isn't it beautiful?" asked Sehun and Haera nodded. "It was amazing..." said Haera.

Then, she saw a dandelion next to her and plucked it. "Oh, a dandelion~" said Haera as she plucked it and leaned her head against Sehun's arms. After looking at the dandelion for a while, Haera blew it and it flown away. "Beautiful~" whispered Haera. It was peaceful. The sound of birds chirping and the chilly breeze at the hill making Haera shivered a bit. "Cold?" asked Sehun "I think I'll be fine~" answered Haera. "What was the thing that you really want to see this year?" asked Sehun and Haera kept silence for a while.

"Snow." Answered Haera "just let me see the first snow..." added Haera and looked at Sehun with her smiles that Sehun really snow. "What about you?" asked Haera "what I want to see this year is I want to see you besides me all the time~" answered Sehun making Haera laughed. "That is easy~ I could do it every day~" said Haera. "Good then~" said Sehun as he kissed her forehead and brought her near him. While talking and waiting, finally the sunset is her. "Look," said Sehun "that is what I wanted to show you~" said Sehun while pointing to the sunset.

"It's beautiful, right?" asked Sehun and Haera nodded. "Indeed." beamed Haera. Both of them were enjoying the beautiful view without utter any word. *please, at least let me see the first snow* thought Haera and with that, she dropped a tears.

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