Chapter 3

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"Haera-ah, Hanbin's here~" yelled Mrs.Goo from downstairs. "I'm coming~" said Haera as she ran down the stairs. Hanbin who saw it, scolded her. "Yah, be careful~" said Hanbin and Haera went near him and hook his arms on her. "I'm fine, don't worry~" giggled Haera and Hanbin noticed that she seems cheerful today even though she knows that she will be meeting the doctor today. "Come on and have a breakfast you two~" said Mr.Goo "Dad, I think we'll be late..." said Haera and took a red bean buns "I'll just have this on my way there~" said Haera and went to the front door followed by Hanbin.

"Are you sure? We can stop by somewhere to have some breakfast~" suggested Hanbin but Haera shook her head "no, it's okay~" said Haera and gave him her dry smiles. Well, this is what Hanbin doesn't like which even though Haera would be all happy and cheerful, she will never have an appetite whenever she's going to the hospital no matter how. Hanbin is the only who always force and told her to eat before meeting the doctor but she won't. After she slips on her red converse shoes, Haera hug her parents and bid them a goodbye.

"Be careful, and please stay strong my sweetheart..." said Mrs.Goo while hugging her. "Alright mom, goodbye~" waved Haera and went out from the house with Hanbin. While they were on their way to the hospital, the ride was gloomy and quiet. The happy and cheerful vibe on Haera is all gone. Hanbin took a glance on her and saw she was looking through the window. "Are you alright?" asked Hanbin and no answer was given.

A few minutes later, finally they've reached the hospital. After Hanbin parked his car, Haera didn't even move an inch from her seat. "Can we just cancel the appointment today and go somewhere?" asked Haera and finally she said something. Hanbin was silent while looking at her. "I don't think so... after what had happened yesterday when we had lunch, I think you need to go to this appointment..." said Hanbin "Its okay... I'll be right next to you..." said Hanbin and gave her his smiles as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Arasseo..." said Haera and both of them finally went out from the car and entered the hospital.

"Is there anything happen to you for this past few days?" asked the doctor "My nose was suddenly bleeding yesterday while I was having lunch..." answered Haera and the doctor nodded feeling like he knows what is going on right now. "Have you been skipping taking your medicine?" asked the doctor and Haera nodded. "Haera-sshi, what I can tell right now that your condition is getting worse if you didn't take you medicine... so you need to take it regularly... all I can give you right now is a few medicine and some painkiller for you to ease the pain... alright?" said the doctor and Haera nodded in understand.

"Doctor, can I ask you something?" asked Haera while looking at the doctor. "Yes sure, what it is?" asked the doctor curiously. Hanbin who was sitting not too far from Haera saw she was holding her hand handbag straps tightly and judging by her look, she was holding her tears from crying. "Am I getting better or worse?" asked Haera and the doctor was looking at her not wanting to answer her. "I'll try my best to turn you into a normal and healthy girl~" added the doctor and smiled towards her.

After meeting the doctor, Hanbin had brought Haera to an isolated lake. No one was there except them. Both of them used to go here whenever they went back from the hospital and Hanbin know, whenever they are here, Haera would never be happy and she would only cry. As soon as Haera went out from the car, she walk towards the lake and squatted down. Hanbin who standing there heard her sobs and he couldn't stand anymore and went near her and hug her tightly "it's okay... cry all you want... no one will know..."said Hanbin while caressing her hair

"All I want is to be a normal girl with no sickness!" said Haera while crying in his embrace. "It's been two years Hanbin... I've been having this sickness for two years..." cried Haera "I know..." said Hanbin and he broke the hug. "Listen," said Hanbin "your parents and I will always be there for you... will help you go through the sickness... don't worry, I promise I would make you the happiest girl on earth every day." Said Hanbin and that made Haera smiles with tears pooling in her eyes.

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