Chapter 8

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"It's because I like you Sehun..." said Haera with tears were pooling in her eyes. Before Haera could say anything, Sehun straight away hugged her and whispers "who cares if you're sick or not..." said Sehun while caressing her hair gently after he heard a soft sobs from her. "I don't care if you're sick or not, ugly or pretty because I like you the way you are, and will always like you..." confessed Sehun. "im sorry for liking you, im really sorry..." sobbed Haera and when Sehun heard her apologizing to him, he broke the hug. "Hey," said Sehun. "There's no need to say sorry..." smiled Sehun.

"in fact, I'm very happy to know that you liked me..." added Sehun as he wiped her tears using him thumb. "I've always thought that you like that Hanbin of yours~" said Sehun as he rolled his eyes feeling annoyed and that made Haera giggled. Hearing her laughter made Sehun smiled "since I've confessed too just now, from now on," said Sehun as he paused for a while just to look at Haera "you are my girlfriend and I'll protect you always." Continued Sehun and Haera nodded as she straight away hug him "thank you..." whispered Haera.

Little they both didn't know, Hanbin who came to the hospital a few minutes ago, was standing in front of her door listening to their conversation. Then, he entered the room with a smiles in his face hiding the sadness behind him. "Morning, you looked happy today~ are you feeling better?" asked Hanbin as he took a seat on a chair next to her bed. "Morning Hanbin~" greeted Haera "im feeling better than yesterday~" added Haera and gave him a smiles. A smiles which Hanbin knows that she will only give to Sehun now instead of him.

A few minutes later, Sehun excused himself to go home to change his clothes. "I'll come by this evening, okay?" said Sehun and Haera nodded. After Sehun left the room, Haera and Hanbin is the one who left in the room. "My mom brought you some porridge~" said Hanbin as he gave opened the lid for Haera to eat. "Thanks!" said Haera happily. But before she eat, she take a look on Hanbin. With that look, Hanbin already know that she was going to something. "Why? Do you wanna say something?" asked Hanbin as he prepared the utensils for Haera. "Yeah, I have something to tell you..." said Haera

"What is it?" asked Hanbin. Even though he already knows what Haera is about to say, as much as he doesn't want to know, but he willingly to listen to what she wants to say. "I confessed to Sehun this morning." Answered Haera "and what did he said?" asked Hanbin "he said he likes me too and from today, I'm his girlfriend! Isn't that amazing?!" said Haera happily and can't stop smiling. "Really? I'm really happy for both of you~" said Hanbin while forcing his smiles. "I'm so happy today~" said Haera as she begins to eat the porridge.

"Yah," called Hanbin as he fix her hair. "do you know how worried I was when I get a call from Sehun that you fainted?" said Sehun "Sorry," pouted Haera "I told you to stay at home but you won't listen." Said Hanbin and Haera just gave him a grin. "Anyways, the doctor told us that you will be staying here from now on... you can't discharge till he said that you're better." Said Hanbin and that made Haera stops eating. "Aww why?? I don't like being here, being in this bed." Whined Haera "yah, the doctor says so and you have to follow him." Said Hanbin.

"I have nothing to do here..." pouted Haera "me and Sehun will be here to keep you entertained..." said Hanbin "don't worry, alright? Plus you parents also know about this so yeah, it's fine..." said Hanbin. "arasseo..." said Haera as she finishes her porridge. Then, Hanbin accompanied her for a few hours until he got a called from the company. "What's wrong?" asked Haera as she watch Hanbin texted someone. "I'm sorry but I have to go... will you be okay?" said Hanbin and Haera nodded. "Its okay, Sehun will be coming later~" answered Haera. "Okay then, get well soon bestie~" said Hanbin as he ruffled her hair and went out from the room leaving Haera alone.

On the next day, Haera was looking at the window watching people coming in and out from the hospital. She even saw a patient sitting on a wheelchair as they were pushed by someone. *It's bored being here* thought Haera and let out her sigh. "What's with the sigh?" Asked Sehun who just entered the room. "Sehun!" said Haera happily. "You're bored?" asked Sehun and Haera nodded. "Should we take a walk?" asked Sehun "sure!" said Haera happily. Then, Sehun took out her jacket and put it on her. "It's pretty cold nowadays because winter is coming~" said Sehun as he fix her jacket.

"There, beautiful." Said Sehun making Haera smiles. "Now come on~" added Sehun as he took her hands and brought her for a walk around the hospital. "Finally, I got some fresh air to breathe in~" said Haera as she extended her arms. "Yah, a city doesn't have a fresh air..." said Sehun and Haera shot him a death glare. "Try and be in that room for a whole day and the only smells that you got is the hospital smells." Said Haera. "Hospital smells? What is that?" asked Sehun "you know, the medicine, antiseptic... I hate it... that's why I hate to stay in the hospital~" said Haera while walking followed by Sehun.

"Haera-ah," called Sehun. When Haera turned the back of her heels, she saw Sehun was holding up his phone and make a victory smiles. After he captured the photo, Sehun went near her and brought his phone near her. "Click" a photo both of them was captured with Sehun wrapped his arms on her shoulders while Haera gave the sweetest smiles ever. "You know, let's take a lot of photos from now on~" suggested Haera. "And why is that?" asked Sehun as he took her by her waist and hug her and she beamed. "So that you can keep it~" said Haera. "Yah, don't make it sound like you will be gone tomorrow..." said Sehun as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

*who knows? I could be gone anytime...* thought Haera. Then, both of them took a stroll together till Haera got hungry and Sehun brought her to the cafeteria to have the dinner together with them. Even though Sehun was with her for today, but she did miss her best friend, Hanbin. *is he busy today?* thought Haera while eating with Sehun together.


It's been a few weeks Haera got discharged from the hospital which she begged the doctor she hates staying in the hospital when she is perfectly fine. Even though the doctor insist saying that she is fine, but anything could happen to her. After pleading and begging the doctor for a few hours, finally he let her go. "Are you feeling okay today?" asked Sehun as he take a look on her. "Yup!" nodded Haera while walking next to him. Both of them were in the town taking a stroll together.

While walking, Haera saw a food stall and dragged Sehun there. "woah, be careful~" said Sehun. "ahjumma, can we have 2 serving of ddukbukki please?" said Haera "are you hungry?" asked Sehun and Haera "of course~" answered Haera as the ahjumma served them the ddukbuki. "Yah, come here," said Haera as she wanted to feed him. When Sehun went near her and opening his mouth, Haera ate the ddubuki herself instead of feeding him. "Yah," annoyed Sehun and Haera chuckled seeing his annoyed face. "You look funny~" laughed Haera.

"You don't have to be so mean, okay?" said Sehun as he watched her eating happily. "aigoo~ look at you, eat slowly alright?" said Sehun as he wiped some sauce near her lips. "opps, sorry~" said Haera and Sehun can't help but smiles seeing her. "Oh, I was thinking of bringing you to meet my grandma this weekend... can you come with me?" asked Sehun "your grandma? I'll be glad too~" agreed Haera "alright then, I'll pick you up in the morning this weekend alright?" said Sehun and Haera nodded. After they finishes the ddukbuki, they took a stroll for a while and head home.

At night, after Haera took her shower, she had thought of Hanbin and wanted to tell him that she won't be around this weekend.

"Hanbin-ah, I won't be around this weekend~

Im going to Sehun's grandma house!

Isn't that fun?

You didn't even text or call me today...

I miss you bestie >.<"

After Haera send the text to him, she begin to dry her hair. Meanwhile, Hanbin who was resting near the swimming pool got a text from Haera and replies her.

"wahh a date in his grandma house?

That sounds fun! Sorry, I was really busy today

And I have a lot of meetings today...

Aww I miss you too! Anyways, have fun this weekend!

And don't forget to bring the most important thing alright?"

Goodnight Haera ^^"

After Hanbin replied her, he lied down on the chair while looking at the skies. "I guess it's time for me to let you go...." Muttered Hanbin sadly.

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