Chapter 9

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"Mom, I'm leaving now~" said Haera as she put on white Nike Air Max, her parents has reached the front door to watch on her. "Have fun and be careful when you're there alright?" said Mrs.Goo as she hug her daughter. "okie!" said Haera as she kissed both of her parents. "I'll be taking care of her when we're there~" bowed Sehun. After they bid them a goodbye, Sehun drives away to his grandma house. "Can we stop by somewhere later?" asked Haera "sure, why?" asked Sehun curiously. "I wanna buy something for your grandma later~ because this is the first time I'll be meeting her~" answered Haera and Sehun nodded in understand.

Sehun stop at the rest area to have some rest and to have some lunch together with Haera. Sehun noticed that Haera was eating some buns that she bought at the bakery "yah, why are you eating buns? You need to have some rice to have an energy~" said Sehun and Haera shook her head "I don't feel like eating... but it's okay, this is my favourite!" said Haera as she eat happily and Sehun sighed. Then, he scooped some rice and took a piece of meat. "Here," said Sehun as he held out his spoon to feed Haera.

"Yah, that's your food~" said Haera "just have a spoon of this and I'll be fine~" said Sehun "arasseo~" said Haera and opened her mouth as Sehun feed her a spoon of rice. "oh my, it's so good~ the meat is very tender!" said Haera while munching and that made Sehun chuckled "yah, chew first then talk~ how many times I have to tell you?" said Sehun as he shook his head while smiling. "Sorry," said Haera while giggling. "Here," said Haera as she held out her bun for Sehun to have. But before Sehun could reach it into his mouth, Haera pulled back her hands and ate the bun herself.

Sehun was dumbfounded as Haera just pranked him again. "Yah," annoyed Sehun as he watched Haera laughing. "Why are you always do this to me?" asked Sehun "it was fun teasing you~ I love your reaction, its funny!" laughed Haera. Then, Sehun begin to eat in silence pretending to be sulking. "Aww are you mad?" asked Haera "yah, im sorry... don't be so emotional~" said Haera as she shook his arms lightly but Sehun just kept silence. "Yah~" said Haera as she rest her head on his shoulders. "Sehun~" said Haera cutely as she looked at him cutely. Sehun can't help but to smiles seeing her. "ASSA! YOU SMILED!" exclaimed Haera happily.

After a few hours of ride, finally they managed to arrive to his grandma house before the day gets darker. Sehun knocked the door a few times before an old woman around 70's was opening the door. "Halmeoni annyeong!" greeted Sehun happily. For the first time ever, Haera saw that Sehun sounds very cheerful. "Oh Sehun-ah~" called his grandma as she hug him tightly. "Halmeoni, this is my girlfriend, Haera~" said Sehun and Haera was overwhelmed when Sehun introduced her as his girlfriend. "annyeong haseyo, Goo Hae Ra imnida~" bowed Haera. "Oh annyeong haseyo now come inside... it's getting cold outside~" said Halmeoni.

"halmeoni, what were you doing just now?" asked Sehun as he entered the kitchen and saw a kimchi jigae was boiling on the stove. "Oh I heard you were coming so I cooked you some food~" answered Halmeoni as she entered the kitchen with Haera. "I'm hungry... can I eat now?" asked Sehun. "Yah, we just arrived, go and take a shower first~" said Haera "your girlfriend is right, hurry and go take a shower first then you can have your dinner~" said Halmeoni. "arasseo..." pouted Sehun and walked into the room to have a shower.

A few minutes later, while they were having their dinner with Halmeoni they were having a small conversation together. "Oh, I heard there will be a fun fair at the town tonight... should we go?" asked Sehun as he ate some veggie. "Sure, that will be fun... halmeoni, wanna join us?" asked Haera but she shook her head. "That okay... young people should go... it's very tiring to walk when im there~" answered Halmeoni. "arasseo, you should change your clothes later, alright?" said Sehun and Haera nodded.

After helping halmeoni wash the dishes, Haera went to get change to go to the funfair. "im ready~" said Haera as she went out to the living room and found Sehun was waiting for her. "Alright, come on~" said Sehun. Before they went out, Sehun fixes her jacket. "Have you take your medicine?" whispers Sehun scared if halmeoni knows. "Yup, after we ate their dinner just now~" answered Haera and with then, both of them off to the town to have some fun.

"woahhh there's a lot of people here~" amazed Haera. "So, where should we go first?" asked Sehun "let's take a walk and see what kind of games do they have, alright?" said Haera. Then, both of them take a walk while holding hands when they saw a shooting game. "Let me get you that brown teddy bear~" said Sehun as he begin to shoot with the gun and wow, he won. "ASSA!" cheered Sehun as the worker gave him the teddy bear. "Here, keep it alright?" said Sehun and Haera nodded. "Thanks!" said Haera happily. Throughout the night, Sehun took so many photos of Haera and him together and in all of the photos, Haera looked beautiful to him.

"Oh my god, should we go there?" suggests Haera as she pointed to a haunted house. "Are you sure? You're not scared?" asked Sehun "neh, im not afraid of ghost... they are just people in there trying to scare us~" answered Haera. Then, both of them queuing up waiting for their turn to enter the haunted house. "It's gonna be so much fun~" said Haera happily as she clapped both of her hands like a seal.

"Yah, are you that excited?" asked Sehun "of course! The last time I went to haunted house was with Hanbin and he got so scared with it." Laughed Haera "are you scared?" teased Haera as she elbowed his chest lightly. "Are you kidding me? Im not that weak like that Kim Hanbin~" said Sehun as he rolled his eyes making Haera laugh. "arasseo~" said Haera.

After waiting for a few minutes in line, finally it was their turn to enter the haunted house. "alright, before you enter, there will be a mission for you both which you have to find two golden keys and if you manage to find it, you will win two free meal coupons for you to use in this fun fair and if you lost, we will take a picture of you and paste in wall of losers... is that okay?" said the worker and they both nodded in understands. "If then, enjoy your journey~" said the worker and they entered the haunted house together.

The haunted house was very dark and the only light they got is from the torchlight given by the worker at the entrance. "Okay, we need to find the golden key for both of us so that we can go out from this house so you look for yours and I look for mine~" said Sehun. "Okay~" said Haera. While they were walking, Haera's hair got pulled by the ghost. "aishh yah! Don't pull my hair~" said Haera and whenever a ghost came out in front of them, Haera would be laughing instead of screaming. "Oh my god they look so funny!" laughed Haera. *I can't believe I went out with this girl* thought Sehun. When suddenly, he saw a golden key in the dark emergency room with someone's screaming as the background sound.

"Yah, I found one~" said Sehun. "Oh, where?" asked Haera and Sehun pointed the golden key in the dark room. "Hurry and take it~" said Haera "no way, it's too dark in there.... You go take it." Said Sehun and Haera was quite surprised "I thought you're not afraid of anything?" said Haera and raised her eyebrows. "Just go and take it~" said Sehun "arasseo~" said Haera and went into the dark room.

As soon as she took the golden key, a ghost came out in front making Haera screamed on top of her lungs. From the outside of the room, Sehun heard her screaming when suddenly, he saw Haera fell down. "Haera-ah!" shouted Sehun and went near her and found she lose conscious. "Haera-ah, wake up!" said Sehun as he brought her in his arms and Sehun was really scared if something had happened to her. *this is all my fault* thought Sehun.

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