Chapter 11

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It's been a few days since Haera got back from Sehun's grandma house and today, she was waiting for Hanbin to pick her up. It's been so long both of them didn't hanging out together ever since Haera went out with Sehun. After Hanbin reached her home and picked her up, both of them were hanging out at their favourite café while having some dessert. "Oh, blueberry cheese cake!" said Haera happily as she ate it giddily and Hanbin watch her in amusement.

"So, don't you wanna tell me about when you're in his grandma house?" asked Hanbin "you even went for a hiking and im very surprised with it." Said Hanbin "I remember you told thing that you hate the most is hiking~" added Hanbin. "I admit, hiking is very tiring but I am truly awed amazed at view when we reached the peak." Said Haera "the sunset was beautiful~ here," said Haera as she showed him a photo of the sunset. "Yeah, it is~" said Hanbin.

"Oh, on a day before hiking we went to a funfair and we got into the haunted house... I was really exciting because we had a mission which we need fond for a golden key and we won!" said Haera happily "and most of all, his grandma was really nice~" beamed Haera and Hanbin kept on smiling seeing how happy she is. *im glad you're happy* thought Hanbin.

"Oh, how about you? What did you do last weekend?" asked Haera as she took a sip on her hot tea. "Well, I was at the company helping my father with all of the paperwork... where else I will be?" said Hanbin making Haera chuckled. "But what I found the most memorable is that we took a lot of photos..." said Haera softly. "And why is that?" asked Hanbin curiously. "Because he could keep it," said Haera "if I'm gone, he could take a look on the photos..." answered Haera.

"Don't say that..." said Hanbin "but its true Hanbin... I'm not gonna live that long..." said Haera as she gave him her dry smiles. "and what I was I hoping, if I'm really gone this year, let me at least see the first snow..." said Haera "and you do know, how much I love snow right?" asked Haera and Hanbin nodded sadly remembering how happy they were last year when they went for a skiing and at the same day, the first snow was falling down in the middle of the night while they were taking a stroll at the resort together. Haera was too excited with it and took a lot of photos and she would like to touch every single snowflakes that fell down.

"Haera-ah" called Hanbin "I have something to tell you..." said Hanbin "what is it?" asked Haera "I won't be here starting next week... I'll be going to Japan with my dad to settle down something in his branch there... I probably won't be here till winter..." said Hanbin and that really made Haera sad because she could not hang out with him till winter. "I will be going on a day after tomorrow." Added Hanbin. "Aww that was so sad... I got no one to hang out with~" pouted Haera. "eyyy you can go out on a date with Sehun~" said Hanbin as he ruffled her hair to make it mess. "Yah..." whined Haera as she fixes her hair.

"But still, we always meet up but then you're not here maybe I will feel a little bit bored." Said Haera in a duh manner. "arasseo~ but I won't be gone for too long~ only for a few weeks~ plus, winter will be coming soon~" said Hanbin and Haera nodded. Then, both of them were having conversation while making jokes together. Hanbin admit that he really miss this kind of moments with Haera.

On the next day, Haera was on a date with Sehun. Both of them were in Hongdae taking a stroll together side by side while holding hands. Then, Haera saw an ice cream parlour and dragged Sehun there. "Should we have some ice cream?" asked Haera "aren't you cold?" asked Sehun and Haera shook her head. "im fine... the weather is not that cold to me~" answered Haera. Then, both of them chose their own flavour and Sehun paid for them. "Thanks!" thanked Haera happily towards Sehun. "wanna taste mine?" asked Sehun as he held out his chocolate ice cream towards her.

Haera looked at him suspiciously. "Are you going to prank me?" asked Haera as she raised her eyebrows. "yah, what do you think am i?" asked Sehun "here," said Sehun as he held out the ice cream again and when Haera opened her mouth, instead of aiming it to her mouth, Sehun aimed the ice cream towards her nose making the ice cream smeared in her nose. "Yah!" mad Haera "opps, I didn't mean too~" said Sehun playfully while laughing. "Wipe it off! I look stupid!" said Haera while pointing to her nose but Sehun couldn't stop laughing.

"yah, stop laughing~" whined Haera "okay okay I'll stop but let me take a picture of you... you looked adorable, not stupid." Said Sehun as he took a photo of Haera sticking her tongue out with ice cream on the tip of her nose. "Alright, come on~" said Sehun as he took her hands and starts to walk again. "You know that tomorrow Hanbin will be leaving to Japan, right?" asked Haera. "Yeah, why?" asked Sehun "I was thinking about buying something for him~" answered "what for?" asked Sehun curiously. "Because I just feel like buying something~" smiled Haera.

Then, both of them stops by a few clothing store to look for something to buy, but none of them interest Haera until they stop by one store that sells a lot of hats, snapback and others. "Hanbin has a collection of snapback... why don't I buy him one~" muttered Haera alone enough for Sehun to hear. "Yah, try this..." said Haera as he put on the snapback on Sehun. "I look great on it~" said Sehun "don't be so full of yourself~" said Haera as she took the other snapback. They tried a lot of snapback till Sehun gets bored.

"Am I model?" asked Sehun making Haera chuckled. "A very handsome model~" said Haera making Sehun grinned. "Thank you~" said Sehun as he kissed her cheeks. "Yah, there's a lot of people in here you know~" blushed Haera as she touched her cheeks. "Who cares? You're too beautiful~" said Sehun. *sweet talker* thought Haera. Suddenly, while they were so into looking for a snapback and making jokes, Haera's head started to hurt a lot and her vision are getting blurry. "Ah-"winced Haera as she hold her head trying to ease the pain.

"Yah, are you alright?" asked Sehun but Haera kept silent while holding her head. "Yah, what's wrong?" asked Sehun in worry and turned her to face him. He found out that a blood was dripping through her nose and cold sweat can be seen on her face. Sehun also found that she can hardly breathing. Sehun took his handkerchief and wiped her nose. "Hold it." Said Sehun as he asked Haera to pinch her nose. "Stay here, and don't go anywhere." Said Sehun as he took a random snapback and paid for it.

Then, he bought a mineral water for Haera to drink. "Feeling better?" asked Sehun in worry as he caresses her hair gently. What really surprised him is that when he caressed her hair, some of her hair fall into his hands. *this is bad* thought Sehun sadly while trying to hold his tears. "I feel better now Sehun~" said Haera as she gave him her dry smiles and broke his daze. "Oh- okay then~" said Sehun "have you been doing the treatment with Dr. Kim?" asked Sehun and Haera nodded. "Yup. Never missed it." Answered Haera and Sehun nodded. "What's wrong?" asked Haera as she looked deep into his eyes and he seems sad.

Sehun shook his head with a smiles. "Nothing," said Sehun as he stands up. "come on, let's take you home so that you can have a rest~ it's getting dark and the weather is getting cold too..." said Sehun and he took her home.

On the next day, both Haera and Sehun was on their way to the airport to bid Hanbin a goodbye. "Hanbin-ah~" called Haera as she rain lightly towards him while holding a bag. "Yah, what did I tell you about running?" scolded Hanbin lightly making her pouted. "I'm excited to see you~" said Haera. "I know~" chuckled Hanbin as he ruffled her hair. "Here," said Haera as she gave him the bag. "What's this?" asked Hanbin as he opened the bad and found a black snapback. "it's a gift from me~" answered Haera "you love snapback so much so I thought of buying you one~" added Haera "thank you so much~" grinned Hanbin.

Then, his father came and told that they have to go to a boarding now. "I gotta go~" said Hanbin when suddenly Haera hugged him. "Goodbye, Hanbin... have fun~" smiled Haera. Hanbin doesn't know why but the way Haera said 'goodbye' it's like Hanbin it was the last goodbye from her. "Goodbye, Haera~" said Hanbin and hugged her back. Then, he went near Sehun and hug him too. "Please, take care of her very well." Whispered Hanbin "I will, I promise." Said Sehun and with that, Hanbin walked away with his father. With one last look at Haera Hanbin waved a goodbye towards her *Please be here when I'm back, Haera* thought Hanbin.

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