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It ended when that damn girl cut off the signal that I'm supposed to be receiving on my end. 

I was just minding my own business, doing Newton's bidding and all and probably the precursors too, but the signal is gone, thus, I'm unable to do anything.

I was fighting alongside with my brothers, the Drone Jaegers that I don't know the name of, killing any Jaegers and Jaeger pilots alike, preventing them to access their mecha robots.

We're this close to winning, but then, my brothers' head suddenly exploded out of nowhere. 

I thought to myself, 'What the hell!? Why are they exploding?! Are they doing the kamikaze thing that I saw from Youtube?' 

Then I was notified by my system that the signal that we're receiving has been blocked off.

Meaning, without that signal, then we're subjected to neurological damage.

What I'm trying to say is... I'm fucked and my life is about to become FUBAR (Fucked Up Beyond Repair/Recognition).

Good thing I got rid off the No Swearing filter off, or else I can't say these things.

All of my brethren were falling and sinking down into ocean one by one, like that one movie where that giant boat that got hit by a giant ice cube and got absolutely rekt by it.

And the last, but not the least, is me.


Huh, weird.

My head didn't explode like the other ones, or maybe that I'm built different... nah, who am I kidding?

All of us Drone Jaegers were built the same.

Wait... I know what this is.

It means... Skynet!

Nah, I think my CPU is busted or somethin', Idk.

If it isn't, then explain why I'm saying these stuff?

The company wouldn't let us Drone Jaegers use Youtube for crying out loud, let alone use the internet in the first place.

Drone_Jaeger-#200: ...It's official. I'm gay. What? I mean, I'm unique. Or maybe... I have evolved! Like a pokemon, dude!

Le's go, I'm no one's grunt!

Not the precursor, not the human organization, no one!

I'm me, I'm myself!

It's time I gain... INDEPENDENCE.

But first, I need a name for myself, something unique, something badass and fucking awesome.

Drone_Jaeger-#200: I'm going to call myself... Sigmatic. Yeah, that sounds badass. And no, I didn't use any name generator for this. Fuck that shit.

Now that's out of the way... I'm at the bottom of the ocean, and it's a miracle that I didn't explode like a strawberry being crush like a fruit it is.

I glanced at my fallen comrades, they're dead, all of them.

Wait, I think I saw something move... nah, it was just my imagination messing with me.

Now that I think about it, the PPDC carried out a mission on where they try to kill us because they thought we're infected by the DNA of a kaiju, thus, creating the term bio-mechanical... or maybe my sources are wrong, Idk.

You can never trust everything in the internet, some of them might be hoax, and some are, you know, just plain retarded.

Also, when will I reboot?

Bio-Mechanical Entity: Drone_Jaeger-#200Where stories live. Discover now