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Damn, that ringing 5 days ago keeps coming back, and it won't go away now.

Sigmatic: *Groans* Let me sleep and conserve energy, you little cumstain of shit that came from a crappy but at the same time radio from the early 90's.

But still... it's ringing non-stop.

Then all of a sudden, it juts vanished like another bites the dust... dust is a terrible food, why would you eat that crap?

Anyway, I can now conserve energy by sleeping, and I only found out about this 2 days ago when I was tamperin' with some destroyed jaegers.

Apparently, if you sleep, which is a equivalent to shutdown, then you can conserver energy when you're about to battle a kaiju.

Neat trick, huh?

Not a neat trick, though.

Many people from the PPDC have already done this, but I still call it a neat trick.

Where was I again?

Oh yeah, back to sleep.




...Exposition to a dream sequence because sleeping cause that...




And we're back to dream/nightmareland... fan-fucking-tastic, mah dude.

Sigmatic: I don't get why the dream/nightmareland is colored white, or black. Either way, I'm going to explore this place.

I walked around for a while until I found something from my past.

Sigmatic: Oh! I get what this is. It's my memories, well, loosely based memories from the past. This time around, I'm being built up from scratch. I'm curious how they build jaegers now. Let's watch this.

They got the materials from out of nowhere and just build the damn thing with... wait, are those metals?

And maybe that's... MOVIE SCIENCE (Yes, I watch High Boi).

Sigmatic: Pft. I feel like this is some shitty movie plot that a third grader made. I mean, giant robots? Now that's a lot of resources wasted, but oh well, giant robots are cool nonetheless.

So they pretty much started out with nothing with the first kaiju war.

Heh, never underestimate humanity, huh?

I go through memory lane and I found out something.

Something horrendous and disgusting in my memory.

I heard somebody talked in my memory, and so, I listened to it.

Scientist 1: What do we name this drone jaeger?

Scientist 2: I don't fucking know. Just name it... FUck_YOu,_YoU_LIttle_Shit-#200, or in short, FUYO_YULIS.

Scientist 1: Are you sure about that?

Scientist 2: I'm positive. Now name the fucking thing.

Scientist 1: M'kay.

And end of discussion.

Me, on the other hand.

Sigmatic: ...Wtf!?

Then the dream/nightmare/memoryland ends there.

The next second, I woke up from my sleeping position and bed (Which is a rock on the ground).

Sigmatic: Who knew my first name turns out to be... THAT. Anyway, it won't do me any good when I'm looking at the past and expect to give me something, well except that name.

Bio-Mechanical Entity: Drone_Jaeger-#200Where stories live. Discover now