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I know what a "high" means.

Sigmatic: It depends on the situation. It could be a plane on a high altitude, sky high, or space.

I'm sitting on top of a mountain beside the boneyard in which I call home, which is also home to Apex, who is doing somethin- oh wait, he's not here because he went into that Meridian City 3 days ago.

Sigmatic: Don't know where he will come back, but I don't care. At least if he dies, boneyard is all mine now.

I look around in my graveyard home and found something lying on the ground.

I go over there to check it out.

It's a cargo, and the name is something about meth and drugs.

Sigmatic: Ah, shit, here we go again.

I sneakily, even though nobody is here, grabbed the cargo and head into my personal home, which is still in the boneyard.

Some time later because I don't know what else to do.

Sigmatic: Alright, let's look at the contents of this black box. Hehehe...

I opened it and something exploded in front of my face, something like a rainbow smoke that just thrown in my damn face.

Sigmatic: *Coughs horribly because of that meth... probably... I think... maybe*

The hell is this!?

Why does this make me... oh look, a pig flying in the sky.

What the... hell did I just witness?

Is that real?

Wait, why am I in the sky now?

Oh no, I'm... ℌℑ𝔊ℌ.

Sigmatic: Phew, this is great for my brain (CPU). Making me exercise my brain to its full limit, and maybe even breaking the limit, too. Unlocking awesome stuff and such.

I walked, albeit, in a sluggish manner.

You can't even begin to describe it how drunk I am when that rainbow smoke is slapped in my  face for no reason.

After that shenanigan, multiple breaches opened up in my home, the boneyard.

And guess what?

It's same old, same old Acidquills, but this time, something is different.

They were accompanied by a category 5 kaiju, codename: Bronze Reaper.

It's kind of a mixture of Slattern and Otachi.

I'm pretty sure I can take care of the Acidquills, but this single category 5 though?

Yeah, this fight is going to be a tough one, I can tell.

Also, this category 5 kaiju, Bronze Reaper, has no experience, or little experience, in fighting a drone jaeger like me.

You know why?

Because I'm adaptable to my environment and in battle, too.

Sigmatic: What was I supposed to do again? Oh yeah, battle analysis. System, do your thing.

After a few seconds of scanning the kaijus, I got the results.

Sigmatic: Hmm, 9 Acidquills and 1 Cat V, which is Bronze Reaper. I should get rid of the 9 kaijus and fight the Cat V alone. That way, the battle will be much easier. I just have to throw Bronze Reaper away from the battle area. Hmm...

Ah, shit, my head hurts... ooh, a flying cow in the sky.


(Cue the fight song or somethin')

Bio-Mechanical Entity: Drone_Jaeger-#200Where stories live. Discover now