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Sigh, can I go any slower than this?!

I feel like I've been walking like... forever, actually.

My mapping tracking system can do so much, but it can't track the location on where I'm heading, and it also doesn't show me where the fuck is north, west, east, or south.

At least it can show me where I currently am, so that's a plus.

Sigmatic: ...I need to research a new mode of transportation. Somethin' faster than walking and flying. Somethin' that can get me there instantly.

But I don't have the tools, time, or even knowledge on how to create it.

Sigmatic: Damn, but that tech will be mine... in the future anyway. For now though, I'll just walk to wherever destination I need to go.

Surroundings describe time.

It's the ocean, fish, ocean, ocean...

Sigmatic: Now that I think about it, why didn't Nine Jack just swam while attacking me and trying to catch up on me that one time? Now I'm positive that Nine Jack is dumber than I thought.

Never knew kaijus can be so dumb, even a category 5 kaiju like Nine Jack.

Sigmatic: Or maybe it's just Nine Jack who is dumb and unique... I'll never know.


My footsteps has the sound of a lightning strike.

Makes me wonder how the hell there is sound underwater... maybe the moment the kaijus invaded Earth, not only they destroy cities, but they also destroyed the laws of physics.

Sigmatic: Now that's a sight to see. Though, it's just a theory of mine, nothing major or anything.

Also, I installed some type of threat entities sensory, and the range is about 200 meters or so.

The name of the threat sensory is KOHC, which means Keep Out Hostile Creatures.

A funny name, I know.

beep... Beep! BEep! BEEp! BEEP!

Sigmatic: Well, speak of the devil. The KOHC sensed something. About 167 meters, northwest of here.

It took me a while to know what threat I'm dealing, but it's only the PPDS Maritime vessel; It's called the "22nd Vessel - Sea Devils".

Sigmatic: Ah, shit, the only reason why I stayed quiet for the past 5 days is preventing this from happening, but now they're here, I hope they don't catch me underwater. That would be bad, considering they can call for back up, mainly, the Jaegers.

Also, I got this information from my data files when I'm still a Drone Jaeger that can still be controlled by humans.

Now I just gotta lay low and wait for them to leave.


They're still here!

Leave already before Nine Jack decides to come in and ruin your boat shit!

BEEP! BEEP! BEEp! BEep! Beep! Beep... beep...

Finally, the vessel already left the range of my KOHC.

Sigmatic: Phew. Now I can continue my journey to those small islands that I mentioned before. I think it's between the two large islands that I forgot what it's called.



Shit, what now?!

I look behind me and saw...

Bio-Mechanical Entity: Drone_Jaeger-#200Where stories live. Discover now