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Sigmatic POV

1 day later after that encounter of that fast flying fuck of a spider, I'm still lost in the Australian outback with no map whatsoever.

Wut da hell happened to my map from before?

Did it get erase or lost in the past?

Who knows, me, who knows.

Sigmatic: *Sigh* This is why I should have stayed in the boneyard, my crappy home, but it's still my home nonetheless, I guess.

Damn it, at least I have my favorite food... ⒼⓇⒶⓋⓎ.

Sigmatic: This food is yummy, I tell you.

It's so delicious.

As I was savoring this condiment, there's something going on far away from here, and it's a group of humans in cars, and guess what?

They're wearing some type of clothes that only a professional wears, and they're heading west.

I'm probably somewhere south of where they're going.

Sigmatic: Wut da hell r dey doin' now? Are they going on a kaiju hunt? They must be since that's the only thing roaming around in Australia. And I guess they're illegally hunting kaijus and selling their parts in the black market. Money is everything, yo.

Except when they're not.

Sigmatic: You know what... I'm going to screw with their supply line. Hehehehe.

Random POV

Random: Hey, what's that over there?

Random's friend: Hmm? Where?

Random: Over there. *Points at the long distance of where he found something interesting*

boom... Boom... BOom...

Random: Uh oh, it's a jaeger.

Random's friend: Uh, no. It's something biomechanical. Look at those spikes on its back.

Random: *Looks at the back for any spikes, and there is* You're right.


Random's friend: It's getting closer. We better get away from this jaeger hybrid.

Random: I agree. *Proceeds to enter the truck that is full valuable kaiju parts, and drives away from the jaeger hybrid*


Random: Holy moly macaroni! It's launching its weaponry!


Random's friend: Drive faster!

I'm already pushing the pedal to its limits.

Random: Bruh.

Random's friend: Just drive faster already!

Random: Now this is a certified bruh moment right here.

Random's friend: ...I'm going to give you a donut if you drive faster.

Random: Shit negro, that's all you had to say.

Then I proceed to drive faster, even though I'm already stepping on the pedal before.

Sigmatic POV

Hahaha, look at those pathetic, ugly, nasty, horseshit, sorry excuse for a gamer.

I wouldn't be surprised if somebody told them to shoot the sky and somehow missed it.

Sigmatic: Yeah, you better drive away, nubs! You can't even hit an enemy at point blank range! Lololololo, nub gamers!

Bio-Mechanical Entity: Drone_Jaeger-#200Where stories live. Discover now