Calm down and breathe

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There was another day.I decided that it would be good to eat something because I hadn't slept all night due to the situation that had happened yesterday.Getting out of bed again wasn't encouraging in any way, but the hunger and the loud rumble in my stomach outweighed my laziness.

After waking up completely, I got up and made the bed, then opened the door and walked carefully down the stairs to the kitchen.

I felt that feeling again, that someone was standing right behind me.

It's all just happening in my head.

"It's too quiet in here. It's definitely too quiet. I'll turn on the radio, I need to relax somehow and music usually helps me."

I thought, and so I did.

"I can't take this place,
I can't take this place"

As I listened to the music it definitely made me more comfortable, but the feeling wouldn't stop haunting me.

How can I get rid of it? I really don't know what to do about it.

"I just wanna go where I can get some space."

What if it's the radio? What if the song has a deeper message and someone needs help? Okay, this is no longer funny. I don't know who you are, but please leave me alone.

At that moment the radio went silent. There was no sound. I could hear my own breathing.
The silence didn't last long. Suddenly the radio started up again.

"Calm down now stop and breathe a second
Go back to the very beginning."

Should I calm down? How can I be calm when paranormal things are happening around me.

The radio's gone silent again.

That's it, I'm not going to get involved in what's going on. I'm sure I'll forget about it. If not today, then tomorrow.

I've had enough of what's going on.
Without much thought, I quickly ran upstairs and slammed the door shut.

It was the worst mistake I could have made.

In my haste, I completely forgot that the door was broken and the lock only worked one way. Not only did I not have any food with me, but the power had gone out completely.


It was night. The moonlight illuminated my
room and the stars twinkled in the sky. The sound of the wind and the constant downpour made me able to think and to achieve composure.

I finally felt at peace, a feeling that had left me for quite some time, and I could finally experience it again.

As I lay there, I thought about everything around me - what is really going on right now? Not only that I'm stuck in my own room, but also without food. I haven't eaten for two days. Maybe it was meant to be?

I don't even remember when but I fell asleep.I hope this peace will last me forever.


The day started the same as usual - no energy, no desire at all.

"Ok maybe I'll eat something today, it's starting to get unhealthy".
And then again I tried to get up from the bed without any strength, but I succeeded, then I went to the door and trying to grab the handle - I failed.

"So it wasn't a dream? This all really happened?
When will it come to an end.
Am I asking that much? I just want peace."

And at that moment something interrupted my thoughts. It was quite unusual, because it wasn't that strange.

I heard a cat meowing.

And yet it was quite disturbing because I don't have a cat. The only cat I had was my cat Luca, who died of an incurable disease.

I miss him to this day and telling others about his death has not been easy for me in any way. Maybe I will meet him again someday. Maybe he is up there waiting for me?
Luca, remember that dad loves you and misses you,
rest in peace.

The cat's meowing continued. I didn't have the slightest idea where it was coming from.
I was getting more and more stressed by the second.I decided to go towards the source of the sound to see who was making it.

What I saw froze my blood in my veins. I automatically got goose bumps and I still wasn't sure if it wasn't another stupid joke.

In fact, it was a cat. But it wasn't random cat.
It was a Patches.

Perfect time,wrong world//dreamnotfound Where stories live. Discover now