Am I dreaming?||George

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The sun was shining and the rays were coming through the cracks of my curtains.
I didn't have the strength to get up, everything around me seemed gray even though there were no clouds and it was absolutely hot outside.

"Should I get up?"

The thought kept nagging at me. I had no particular reason to do it. But maybe?
Maybe there is a reason?

Staring at the ceiling, I was thinking about it. Although this activity seems normal and simple, it was not. At least for me.

After about 5 minutes I got up and continued to sit on the bed.

"Stranger number? Should I answer it or not? What if it's something important? Okay, I'll take it."

I said and then I bent down and looking for the source of the sound I accidentally pushed the phone on the floor with my elbow.

"Really? I can't even do that right? Answer a stupid phone?"I sighed then embarrassedly leaned out of the corner of the bed.

Picking it up, a sudden knock on the door distracted my concentration.

"Who's there?" I asked in a completely energyless voice.

No one answered.

I wasn't tempted to get up at all, but my intuition told me "Do it. Even if you don't want to, just do it."

"I'm not going to fight with myself, it contradicts itself", I thought. Then I threw the blanket on the floor and went towards the sound.

My legs were collapsing under me, which made me even more reluctant to do anything.
Finally the moment came.I was already at the door and the only thing stopping me from opening it was my unearthly lack of desire.But I was too close to give up so I grabbed the handle and opened it.

No one was there, I looked outside to make sure I hadn't missed anything and my thoughts turned out to be true - no sign of life, nothing.

"So it was all in vain? Why did I even listen to that? You see, I'm capable of disappointing even myself."
I thought about it, and when I closed the door, something got in the way.

It was a bouquet of flowers. It consisted of multicolored roses, arranged alternately. After a moment of staring, I noticed that half of the flowers were withered, while the other half were fresh and fragrant. But that was not the only thing that caught my attention.The flowers formed the sign of the heart.

"A heart? I don't know how to take this. It's probably just a coincidence. Or is it something important? What if it is something important...
Maybe I'll take the flowers after all."
I bent down and picked up the bouquet.

It was quite heavy, which seemed strange to me, because it was not particularly large.

The thought didn't haunt me for long, but I ignored it and went back into the room, locking the door.

From that moment on, everything seemed different, I felt like I was being watched, and I had the feeling that someone was here even though I couldn't see a single living soul.

"Maybe it's just my imagination? Maybe it's just a creation of something that doesn't really exist?"
The thoughts kept bothering me.

After some time of pondering, I decided that this is not normal.
Trying to find the cause, I realized that everything had changed from the moment I touched the bouquet...but wait. How could flowers change the place around me? It's not possible.

"What's happening to me?"

Everything started to blur. I could barely stand on my feet. Every thing became impossible to see.
At one point my legs started to shake and I lost my balance and fell on the bed next to me. The flowers fell out of my hands and then - everything became ordinary.

I couldn't realize what had just happened. Everything seemed to disappear for a moment, ceased to exist.
I can't describe the feeling, but I knew it wasn't something I'd experienced before. It was something completely...different.

"It's all those flowers. I'm sure now. How can I get rid of them? Is this some kind of curse?"
I said to myself in alarm, still unable to believe what had just happened. After a while I knew what to do.

"Burn them - yes. That's the perfect idea."

As I thought, so I did.
I wanted to pick up the bouquet, but I couldn't find it anywhere, so I reached over the bed to grab it.

It was gone. There were no flowers. No petals, no leaves. Not even an ash.

"I don't understand anything anymore. That's not happening. It's not possible. It's just a dream. Yes. It's definitely a dream. But what if it's not?"

It was still strange to me, just unreal. Nothing around here just disappears.

"I know those roses are here somewhere. I'm sure. They can't have just disappeared."

Without much thought, I got up and started searching the room. I couldn't find them anywhere, and I checked almost everywhere.

At the same time something else caught my eye. It was the writing on the curtain.

"It was more than just a dream."

I'm sick of it. It's getting ridiculous. How is it not a dream? What if I'm stuck in it? Maybe I'm still dreaming... Am I dreaming?

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