Feather Glade

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"One thing I know is that we're in this together"

I know it's not going to be that easy. I have to find a way to make this world disappear forever and do something to stop it imprisoning us.

The first thing I have to figure out is how I actually got here.
I can't for the life of me remember what I actually did or created to be here.

"Is there even any way back? Since I couldn't find any way to get here, I guess it works both ways."

But on the other hand, you have to consider that I did get here, so there is an option.

I don't know what to think about that.

"George, I can see you're worried about this. Even though I've already assured you, I'll tell you again. I'm here with you, okay? Everything's going to be fine." He said then got up and put his hand out towards me.

"Come on get up, there are a lot of interesting things here that I have to show you!"he added after which he smiled slightly.

Because Dream was a person I trusted, I took his hand without hesitation a second later and we were both on our feet, and he continued to hold my hand.


It was evening. Everything was getting darker, golden stars were visible in the sky and the sun was setting, blinding us with its shine.

Everything was beautiful here. But different.

Walking around the city, I could see a lot of things that were unusual to me. There were things here that theoretically didn't exist anymore. They were gone. And here everything was fresh, as if it had been built a while ago.

I saw my favorite park, the place where Clay and I used to hang out, lots of different wooden houses and lots of different young people.

It was all brand new.

Seeing all the things around me, I didn't even notice that it was already midnight. Instead of young people on the street, it was quiet and not a soul was around.

We were alone here.

"There's one more place I'd like to show you, George," he said, then looked at me.

"I'm interested in what this area is going to be like. I'm curious to see if there's anything here that's more amazing than what I'm currently surrounded by."

Not a moment passed and I was already in a completely different place.At that moment I realized that time passes faster here.Definitely faster.

It was a clearing, but it was no ordinary clearing. The grass was very fluffy, there were lots of cotton candy cloudes wandering around, and you could definitely see the whole constellation in the sky better.

I was fascinated. I have never seen such an amazing view in such a beautiful place.

The only thing that was bothering me right now was that I was just plain tired. Despite the fact that I was perfectly safe - I was still very tired. I didn't want to tell him about it because I could see how pleased he was that I liked this place, but I didn't have to tell him so he realized it after a while.

"I see you're tired George. What do you say we stay here until morning, until sunrise? I have a blanket with me, so you don't have to worry about getting cold." He said, then pulled a blanket out of his backpack and spread it on the grass.

"Sure Clay, you know me so well..." I said then sat down with him on the spread blanket.

We both gazed out at the views above us. It was stunning.

"Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
And everything you do"

At some point my exhaustion started to get the better of me and I started to fall asleep sitting up.
Dream noticed that I was almost asleep and it was apparent that he could barely stand to stay awake.

"George before you go to sleep I want you to see one last thing today." He said, and from his pocket he pulled out a player.

It was the one and only player with our one and only favorite song.

"And I'm backsliding
Into this just one more time"

Despite the fact that the sky was above me, I felt like I was in heaven.

Perfect time,wrong world//dreamnotfound Where stories live. Discover now