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"you've gotta be kidding me." you sighed in frustration as you tapped your fingers on the stool of the window sill.

as of now, you were staring at the view of the large ocean that surrounded snezhnaya. it was cold, you could see your own breath as you breathed the freezing air. there were no land in sight, only the vast amount of sea water can be seen.

"mind if i join you?" someone spoke from behind.

you already knew whose voice it belonged to and couldn't help but to roll your eyes. "i do mind, actually."

"hey, don't act so feisty with me now. i thought we got along just fine?" he laughs, leaning against the wall that was beside the window you were at.

"we never did."

"really? but that night you–"

"shut it! it was because of the aphrodisiac okay? none of that meant anything." you glared at the man. "just forget about it."

"hmm? an aphrodisiac you say. i don't remember ordering that." he hums, crossing his arms on his chest.

you noticed he had the same clothes on that was sprawled on the floor the morning you left. it was probably his uniform, which you had yet to receive. they gave you your own mask however, a signature fatui symbol.

"it was an accident. my boss sent you the wrong stuff." you turned away from him and went back to staring at the blue water.

childe smirked as he looked at you, seeing the mark he left you still visible on your neck. "don't i at least deserve an apology for that?"

"we were both victims of it. i had no idea it was going to leak!" you huffed.

"well technically, it was your fault it leaked in the first place didn't it?" you hear him shuffle, taking a few steps towards your direction. you looked up to the taller man, his eyes boring into your own.


"well? i'm waiting." he placed his fingers on your chin, tilting your head up.

you clicked your tongue, slapping his hand away from you. "fuck off."

with that, you walked away from the room and left him. childe stood there, already so amused by you. "you'll warm up to me in no time, printsessa."


the whole ride going back to liyue, you tried to avoid childe as best as you could. you didn't want to interact with the man. aside from the fact that he was a harbinger and had connections with the tsaritsa, you feared that the memories of that night would resurface your mind and could distract you.

"we have arrived back to liyue, lady [Y/N], master childe." the same fatui who escorted you said.

childe nods and went ahead of you. you thought that you were free just like that, you could go back to ying'er and burn the stupid mask they gave you, but boy were you wrong.

"where do you think you're going?" childe asked, noticing your presence that was walking away from behind him.

"i'm going back to work."

"no you're not." he scoffs, facing you. "you're officially a fatui harbinger. that, is your job."

"what? but ying'er–"

"don't worry, we've already settled things with her. now come on, i'll show you where you're going to stay." he gestures for you to follow him, but you stayed still.

"i have my own place."

"you're quite the stubborn one aren't you?" he sighs, "you're under my surveillance. you are under my watch 24/7 until you have gained the tsaritsa's trust."

it was true, childe had you under supervision for now. you weren't given a delusion just yet, the tsaritsa said she would give you one once you have been proven to be trustworthy. you couldn't disobey it either, for your life was the exchange of it.

you didn't utter another word and proceeded to follow childe. you knew where he was heading already, it was the northland bank. you memorize liyue harbor by heart and knew every building in it. northland bank was established by snezhnaya, so you stayed far away from it as possible.

all your time in liyue, you stayed away from the fatui or anything connected to snezhnaya. you were known in the large nation, it was possible that people would still recognize you even after being banished. because of this, you had to change your image.

it proved successful throughout the years. no one noticed who you were, even the snezhnayan merchants who were frequently seen in liyue.

no one recognized their own princess.

"we're here." childe said, stopping your daydream. "follow me, i'll show you to our room."

you blinked, trying to process what he just said. "excuse me?"

"what? something wrong?" he frowns.

"yes, something is definitely wrong! who told you i'd share a room with the likes of you?"

"oh, that part! don't worry, i won't do anything." he smiles, but that soon turned into a sly grin. "unless you want me to."

"fuck off tartaglia." you rolled your eyes.

"kidding! just follow me, would you?" he laughs and proceeded to go up the stairs of the bank.

from upstairs, you could hardly hear the commotion from below. childe unlocked a room and entered it, so you followed him in.

"this is where we'll be staying at for the mean time." he said.

your eyes scanned the area, it was a pretty simple room. it had a sofa at the center with a mahogany table in the middle, and there was a door at the side that you guessed leads to your room.

"in here," he opens the door you were just staring at. "is our room."

you took a peek, and sighed in relief when you saw that there were two separate beds. "thank the archons."

"are you disappointed we won't be sharing the same bed? i can always– ow! hey!" you nudged his sides harshly with your elbow to prevent him from continuing his sentence.

"you never shut up do you?" you scoffed and walked in the room. you placed your hand on top of the soft mattress, running your hands along the thin duvet.

"you can roam this room while for the mean time, i need to go somewhere." he said, but before he turns his back away from the door you quickly grabbed his wrist.

"how come you can come and go as you please while i can't?" you raised a brow.

you hear him chuckle, a hint of amusement lingering in his voice. he whipped his head back to your direction, unexpectedly having it too close to your face.

"you seem to forget that you are under my supervision, not the other way around." he leans towards you, inching his face closer and closer to yours. "but don't worry. be a good girl and maybe i'll let you off the hook." he whispers in your ear.

you let go of his wrist, pulling away from him. you didn't say anything in return, but a scowl remained on your face. childe did nothing but to smirk before leaving your room.


a/n: filler chapter 😨 do u guys want any lemons in this book lmklmk

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