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it was a monday afternoon when childe came back to the bank. it was early, so early that you didn't expect him to come back any time soon.

you were in the living room cleaning as you hummed to a song a local singer, xinyan, used to perform at the terrace. you occasionally walked pass whenever you came to deliver stuff for the herbalist on the local pharmacy. it was a beautiful song with a cool tune, that's why it stuck with you ever since.

while you were dusting the sofa, a cough was heard from behind as you sang. "how come you never sang for me when you're this good?"

you immediately turned around, your cheeks burning from embarrassment. "won't it hurt to knock?!"

"glad i didn't, or else i wouldn't have heard you singing your heart out." he chuckles.

"why are you back so early?" you gave him a blank stare. childe normally came home before dinner, which was around nighttime.

"don't tell me you forget." he frowns.

"...what?" you furrowed your brows.

"we're going back to snezhnaya today."

your eyes widen at the realization. you had nearly forgotten that the ball was in three days. "oh."

childe sighs, "i'll wait for you downstairs. you should get packing."

"right." with that, you went back to the room and started to pack your things. childe had never stayed with you in the same bed ever since he slept with you and would only sleep at the sofa. you didn't want to tell him, but you would've prefer him sleeping on the bed with you. you didn't mind sharing the bed with him, it wasn't like you hadn't done it before.

after a couple of minutes you were done and went down the bank where childe and ekaterina where.

"lady [Y/N], master childe, i wish you a safe trip back to snezhnaya." she says.

"thank you." you smiled.

"we'll get going now." childe turns to exit the bank with you following from behind.


"hey, wake up." you felt someone stretching your cheeks. "we're here."

you groaned, slapping the hand away. "go away..."

"come on princess, we're supposed to be on the dock soon." no reply.

you were currently sleeping on childe, unaware that your head was resting on his lap. you didn't know this because he moved you himself, finding it uncomfortable that you had to lay down on a solid surface.

he sighs, having the idea to carry you himself since you didn't want to get up yourself. with this, he slips his hand under your leg and hoisted you up.

"let's go."

your eyes quickly shot open. "wait! what are you doing?!" the drowsiness you had earlier completely vanished, being replaced with irritation.

"carrying you because you wouldn't get up." he replies and continues to walk out the boat.

"put me down!" you wiggled in his grip but he still didn't let go. "hey!"

"m-master childe, lady [Y/N]." a fatui greets, his mask hiding the awkwardness etched on his face when he saw your situation. "this way... please." he gestures.

heat rushed up to your cheeks, finding it very inappropriate that you had to be seen like this. "hey– this, this isn't..."

childe could only snicker at your stutters. "alright, thank you. we'll be off shortly." he replies to the man. the fatui nods and walks off.

you clicked your tongue before bringing your knee to his cheeks, hard enough for him to loosen his grip but not enough where it could've left a bruise.

"ow! that hurts!" he whines, his hands letting go of you.

you got down normally, thankful that you didn't land on your buttocks. "do it again and i'll make sure you'll lose your teeth next time."

"you're so mean." he began to caress his cheeks. "is this what i get for letting you rest on my lap?"

"no i didn't." you cocked a brow.

"whatever you say." he says, and started to walk away.

after some minutes of useless bickering, you arrived back at zapolyarny palace. what meets you there, was a maid telling you to meet with the tsaritsa immediately.

"great, i guess she found out i went to liyue." you sighed. you turned your gaze at childe, "so, are you going back to your village?"

"yup, gotta make it up to my siblings for being gone for so long."

your lips formed a thin line, somehow feeling dejected upon hearing it. childe must've noticed your sudden change of mood and said, "don't miss me too much."

"don't be so full of yourself." you looked away.

"right." he laughs. "i'll see you in three days?"

"yeah." you responded. "see you."

childe shortly leaves the palace, with you being left alone at the entrance. it was just three days, yet you still longed for his presence in those short moments.

you were curious as to why this could've been. perhaps you grew an attachment to the man, something that you didn't expect specially when you started out in a weird way.

you snapped out of your thoughts and went in where you were supposed to meet the cryo archon in her usual room.

you were probably going to get scolded at, much like when you were a kid for when you sneaked out of the palace to play with the kids on the streets. but you weren't a kid anymore, and the bond you once shared wasn't as good as it was.

you arrived at her room, seeing her already at her throne. "you asked for me?"

"i heard you went to liyue without my permission?" she rests her head on her palm, an unfazed look printed on her face.

"you didn't tell me i wasn't allowed."

"my mistake then." she giggles. "so, i also heard that you stayed with tartaglia for the time being." her eyes focused on you, a look suspicion was what you could describe it as.


"interesting." she began to smile. "did he train you?"

"he..." you thought about it for a second. in a way, he did during the spars that you had and the things he would often tell you about being a harbinger. "he did."

"that's good to know."

"did you call me here to ask about tartaglia? because if you did i'm leaving. go ask him yourself." you turned away and was about to walk out the room, but she spoke once more.

"so he's your partner for the ball."

your eyes widened, "how did you..." you whipped your head to look at her. "nevermind that, did you send someone to stalk me the whole time i was in liyue?"

"i would call them more as a person looking out for you." she replied. "and no, i didn't send anyone darling. in fact, you came to the very person who works for me. did you forget?"

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