Chapter 13: Sleepy Time

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Wilbur pokes Tommy's face, narrowly dodging a bite to his finger, "How long is he going to be like this?"

"About a week. At first I though it was something else but it's the extra venom reacting in his body after his first feeding," Philza says.

Technoblade crosses his arms, leaning against the wall, "Because he let his friend drink his blood right? You had to put more to combat that didn't you?"

"Yes, his systems in overdrive because of it. Poor boys confused and feverish now."

Wilbur snickers, "More like feral."

Philza waved his hand dismissively, "He's fine mate, we just need to comfort him as much as possible." He picks Tommy up, who snarls  and tries to get out of his arms. "I'd say right now he's more like a big baby honestly."

"To you," Wilbur says. "Look at him! he's snarling and trying to get out of your grip like a fucking animal."

"Yeah... I'm going to have to side with Wilbur on this one. That kids fe-ral."

Philza just smiles, "He's just confused! It should go away in a day from now. Other than that he'll just be sleepy and disoriented for awhile. I'll be putting him in room 6."

"That's too far," Wilbur whines, "Can't you put him somewhere closer?"

Philza shakes his head, "Its closest to my room."

Technoblade scoffs, "You can walk."

"Oh shut up Techno your room's closer!"

Technoblade smiles mockingly, "By what? Only a couple of feet. You have long legs Wilbur, use them."

Wilbur huffs, "Whatever."


Everything around Tommy swirls as writhes around on the bed.

Its hot, so hot.

His head feels all fuzzy and his mouth feels as if its stuffed with cotton. He just wants it all to end.

He kicks the bed sheets off of himself and fans out as much as possible. Groaning, he wipes the sweat off of his forehead and buries his face into the cool side of the pillow.

Suddenly, he's hears the door click open. Anxiety spikes up in his chest as he tries to crawl away. His feverish mind screams danger as footsteps approach him.

Gentle hands turn him over as he whines, he grabs the pillow and hugs it tightly, burying his face into the soft fabric. It's still cool against his hot skin.

A voice chuckles and gentle hands pull the pillow from his arms. Before he could complain a cool towel was placed on his forehead. Relief spreads throughout his body as he sighs in relief. Feels nice.

Tommy cracks open his eyes to see a blob of yellow, green, white, and red. Philza.

Philza. Protector, sire, lord, father. Every fiber of his being screams for him to reach out to the man. He weakly lifts his hands reach out to Philza, who only pushes his arms back to his sides.

"My body heat will only make you feel worse. Just go back to sleep"

Tommy whines, "Don...t"
He tries to get up and approach the man but fails, falling back into the bed.

Philza sighs, "Just rest, i'll be back soon alright?"

Tommy nods and closes his eyes. If Philza says he'd come back he'd come back.


Tommy awakes to fingers running themselves through his hair. His chest rumbles with satisfaction as he leans into the touch. He shifts to look up and see's a slightly blurry version of Technoblade, who seemed to be reading a book out loud. No, he was reading to him.

"Up already?" He quips, lifting his hand from Tommy's head. 

Tommy just huffs, too tired to speak and too disoriented to really process anything. He just opts to blindly grab at Technoblades hand and bring it back to his head.


Holy shit that is hella cute.

Give him what he wants

Give it

Give it

Give it

Put your fucking hand back n o w. 

Just do it!

Don't neglect the child.

"I wasn't planning on not. Jesus christ, chill."

So he puts his hand back on his head, threading his fingers through his blond locks. He continues to read as he listens to the satisfied  rumble of Tommy's chest.


Tommy again awakes to something other than an empty room. Unfortunately complete lucidity wasn't in his grasp at the moment.

Currently, he was pushed up against Wilbur's chest, the mans chin settled right on top of his head. He was warm, not hot, warm. He wasn't burning up anymore. 

He yawns, stretching a bit in Wilbur's hold. It seems to wake the other up.

Wilbur grunts, "Go back to sleep child, its too early to wake at the moment." He gently pushes Tommy's head back into his chest, which the other whines at before relaxing into his hold once more, swiftly falling back asleep.


This ones a little short but I wanted to get something out before I left for a bit.

For the next couple of days i'm gonna be gone cause I have to plan for my birthday n shit. Parents want to plan a party that I don't want.

Anyways, as per usual,  hope you enjoyed this chapter. And wherever you are, have a nice day/night!


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