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"Say it again."

"Go fuck yourself." He replies harshly, much to the dismay of the others.

"Come oonnn-" Wilbur starts.

"No!" He deflects again, though with more bite, which would be a final answer if the lot weren't ancient toddlers who didn't take no for an answer.

The rest of the ride is filled with this back-and-forth. Tommy saying no, the other two asserting that yes, he should.

As the car rolls up the the front of the mansion he feels a sense of relief trickle down his spine. No more stuffy car, no more -well less if he hides - annoying siblings. If he can call them that that is.

The car comes to a stop and the moment he hears the click of the lock Tommy hastily unbuckles his seatbelt and climbs over -at least tries to climb over -Technoblade  who swiftly grabs him. Trap!


"C'mon!" Techoblade chides, "How about big brother huh?." Tommy's cheeks puff up in embarrassment. He tries to worm his way out of the mans arms but finds he's no match for the others strength.  "Can you say that Tommy? B. I. G. B. R. O. T. H. E. R"

"I will bite you."

Technoblade flashes a grin. "Do it."

Sharp Fangs burrow themselves into the flesh of the mans arm. He jolts, in half surprise-half shock, releasing Tommy from his grasp. Giving the teen a chance to slip out the car and rush to the front door.

Tommy raises both of his hands to flick him off while the other stares at him in shock. 

"Told ya bitch-boy!"


"Its official Phil, you took in an animal." Technoblade deadpans. Philza merely hums as he watches his eldest tend to his wounds.

Wilbur drums his fingers against the cool granite of the counter absentmindedly. He sighs. "Welcome to the club." Its no secret that Wilbur had been at the brunt of Tommy's antics. Little bastard was a devil sometimes.

"And look! This was one of my favorite shirts too!"

"We'll get you a new one mate."

"And I'll ruin that one as well." Tommy snidely remarks.

"Nah, ah, ah little one. You want another month to be added on?"

Tommy grits his teeth. "No," he stresses out.

Philza smiles. "Good." He stops. "Now." A thump is heard as Philza gets on his knees and grasps both of the teens hand in one fell-swoop. His red eyes bare a sense of desperation as he meets Tommys eyes. "Call me dad again will you?" He pleads. And somehow as Tommy looks closer his eyes hold a certain puppyish look to them that both confuses and amazes the boy.



At that moment Tommy's brain scrambled. They just went from a scolding to this? He looks down again at Philza and up, and down, and up, and down- and it was the same. That same pleading face. Then it finally processed.

"Uhh-u-um o-ok." He stutters out. If it makes his sire happy then so be it. At least that's what he told himself.

Its hard, but after a few seconds he manages to swallow his pride."C-can you let go of me dad?"

Philza beams and his lips curl up in a wide, toothy grin."Of course!" He exclaims.

The grip is released. Philza lifts a hand, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye. Tommy cringes slightly in response. He's really that overjoyed? What is this, an anime?

Two voices interrupt from the side. "Hey we exist too!"

An acknowledgement. "That you do."

"That was weird." Wilbur says.

"Shut up." 


   Its night, and Tommy's relaxing with Philza in his room, the cool moonlight comforts the teen as it bleeds through the curtains in glowing silver rays. Since when did he prefer moonlight over sunlight? And listens intently while Philza explains what's happening tomorrow and why it was so important. Though the man suddenly stops speaking mid sentence. Tommy chalks it up to the old farts lungs needing a break.

"You have to be careful Tommy."

Tommy looks up from his reading of the names; he tilts his head, his brows furrowing. "From what?"

"Normally a bite would heal in a second." Philza says. "You're so young so you don't know but- when a vampire harms another the wound heals just as slow as a humans, with the same risk of infection." A lump forms in Tommy's throat. "He may not show it but Techno's in extreme pain right now. Your little stunt tore deep, and you cant control your venom either, his entire arm is covered with black, pulsing,veins from it. If it was just a regular vampire they would have died. Even as just a changeling you're immensely powerful, remember that." And with that Philza resumed their previous conversation, though Tommy still felt uneasy.  "You'll meet them Tomorrow, and begin your lessons in transformation. Remember, next week will mark your hearts last beatings, and with that a celebration." He gets up from the chair beside Tommy's bed and gives a kiss to his forehead.

"Gross." Tommy groans, aggressively wiping the skin of his forehead in disgust. "Blegh."

The man chuckles.

"Goodnight." He hears Philza say. "Don't stay up too late." And he disappears behind the dark oak door.

Tommy hears the door creak, and then click shut. He plops the binder down on his nightstand and buries himself into the sheets, already anxious and excited for tomorrow. Though, it quickly turns sour as he remembers Philzas words.

Hopefully he'll be able to apologize tomorrow. Yeah, like that's gonna help.


My eyebags have eyebags which in turn also have eyebags. So you know, im livin the life n' shit.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and as per usual, hope you have a wonderful day/where wherever you happen to be! 

Time to dissovle into oblivion now for another month or more....who knows.

See ya.

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