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taehyung awkwardly laid on the bed, never thinking he would actually feel this particular mattress. he extended his long limbs, forming the pose you would make a snowflake in, attempting to savor the sensation he dreamt of so often. jimin nudged him, gazing down at him with a small grin. he held an extra pair of clothes in his other hand, throwing them on top of taehyung who recoiled at the action.

"hey, i still need some space too you know!" jimin teased, pushing taehyung over, already ready for bed.

"the bathroom is to your left, get changed in there, i have an extra toothbrush too." jimin propped himself on the mattress, pointing towards the hallway. taehyung's eyes did not follow though, they fixated on jimin's lips as we spoke, clueless of the intense gaze directed towards him. eventually taehyung gave up, lazily rolling off the bed and into the bathroom.

he made it a point to not fully closed the door as he changed which jimin took notice to. jimin shamefully watched between the small gap, licking his plump lips with that taehyung smirked when they made eye contact through the mirror. the younger looked away, fiddling with his thumbs, waiting for the other to return.

suddenly he felt very aware of himself, he could his stomach tense then relax with every breathe. jimin barely even noticed taehyung crawling on the bed, advancing towards him. taehyung would never admit this, but he had alternative motives for coming over despite to simply comfort the younger and looking at the other's state it was hard not to resist.

taehyung reached out for the boy, just about to slither his arm around the other's slim waist, but he paused when there was a knock at the door. this caused jimin to jolt, already on edge so taehyung decided to open the door himself, perplex about who the hell would arrive at jimin's dorm during this hour.

he peeked through the peephole and saw no one so he cautiously opened the door, it hit something in the process. taehyung went into the hallway and saw a box that was preventing the door from expanding, curiosity overwhelmed so he brought the contents inside. he made sure to lock the door and take one last look through the peephole before getting comfortable once more.

"what is it?" jimin asked from across the room, too nervous to come closer.

"i don't know yet, hold on," taehyung responded, scrunching his nose at the foul smell escaping through the cardboard. he ripped the tape off and found a dead rat, taehyung recoiled causing jimin to jump as well.

"what the hell is that!?" jimin yelled. taehyung came back to his senses and advanced towards the box, but with the clothe of his shirt covering his nose this time. he noticed a note which he read out loud, "i know what you did. . ."

"what i did!? what the hell did i do?" jimin exclaimed, pacing around the room while throwing his arms in utter confusion. taehyung remained silent knowing this message wasn't directed towards jimin. he knows deep down this was for him.

somebody knows what taehyung did and that same somebody is also keeping an eye on jimin. how else would they know taehyung was there if they weren't watching in the shadows. taehyung was concerned although he did not see it as a completely bad thing for he could pin his doings onto this person as well.

it was just the matter of finding out who's doing this.

sorry guys if this one is a little shorter, i just felt this was a good place to end it

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