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hoseok and jimin hid out at hoseok's dorm, not exactly the best hideout, but jimin's is too obvious and going to taehyung was something hoseok would not let jimin do.

"you know we could've just went to taehyung, he could protect us and maybe even reason with yoongi since they're friends," jimin mumbled, wrapped in a blanket on hoseok's couch.

"you do realize that being friends probably means taehyung is in on it too, right? honestly with police all over campus, yoongi is probably using taehyung's dorm as a hideout," hoseok chuckled darkly in disbelief at his delusional best friend.

"you know- " hoseok bit his tongue, about to say something he shouldn't say. he clenched his fist and turned away from jimin, head towards the kitchen.

"what? say it," jimin poked back, retaliating more than hoseok would've thought. the younger raised himself off the couch a bit, heading towards hoseok.

"with the circumstances, i just think you're a little delusional you're still even considering taehyung for help. . ."

"oh so you're calling me dumb?" the way jimin furied his brows and egged hoseok on pissed him off at how far gone his friends seems right now.

"yes - " the phone rang, it was jimin's phone across the room, he went to answer, but hoseok held him back.

"don't answer it," hoseok demanded thinking it was taehyung. jimin simply yanked his hand away and grabbed his phone that read caller unknown.

"hello. . . ?"

"hey, princess," a distorted voice mused.

"who is this?" jimin asked, putting the call on speakerphone as he headed towards hoseok.

"who do you think? you're little side bitch isn't going to save you," a brick flew through hoseok's window causing them to fall to the ground. jimin's phone flung out of his grasp underneath the bed as he heard muffled laughter.

they stayed on the ground, crawling underneath the table for any amount of safety when there was banging on the door.

"O̴̢̩͙͋̒͛̆̃P̶͚̫̫̩̣̗̫̬̰̮͋͝Ẽ̸͓̲̰̉̑͜Ṋ̷̠͒͗͐̕ ̸̢̨͎͓̠̯̖̜͚̙̄́͗̎T̸̢̻̱̾̓͂̐̉͋͝H̷̡̺̮̠͙̝̠̋̆̀̓͂͒͂̎̕E̷̙̘̤̰͊̆̀̽̈́͛̓̚͘͝ ̶̫͇̣͉̥͇͕̤̔̀̈̋̂͊̄̈Ḋ̸͙̖͓̮̱̜͎̐̿͐͑͝Ơ̷̙̌̔͛̂̓̈́́Ö̴̢̘̳̬̦̯̂͂͐̓͛̌͘ͅR̷̟̦̻̠͈̪̺̾̄̅̒" yoongi shrieked, echoing between the phone and him behind the door causing his voice to come through as even mire distorted.

the door was bashed open due to a faulty lock that was probably tampered with weeks ago without hoseok's knowledge. yoongi, clearly disturbed, comes plowing in.

"where's the whore!?" he exclaimed, catching the two off guard as he charged towards jimin. before even touching jimin, yoongi was pulled backwards by his shirt. taehyung loomed over him as he prompt himself up on his elbows, rubbing his head.

"t-taehyung? why are you stopping me?" yoongi asked, glancing up at his partner, but taehyung didn't even bat him an eye as he proceeded to kick his counterpart in the stomach. yoongi let out a low growl in defeat as he curled onto his side.

"i got this lunatic under control, go somewhere safe," taehyung ushered hoseok and jimin out the dorm as he continued to beat the living shit out of yoongi without an inch of mercy. yoongi's face all bloody and bruised at the point used his last bit of strength to raise his hand towards taehyung.

"please, it doesn't have to be this way. . . were you using me all along. . ? i killed two people for you," yoongi whimpered.

"afraid so," taehyung retorted with a final blow.

sorry for the break guys
got distracted with life

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