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only a dim screen painted jimin's bare chest a pale blue, as his hands slid down to his trousers. the thin fabric where his bulge rested was dripping wet before his hands even grasped it, jimin's movements were sloppy and rushed as he had twenty minutes before his first class started for the day.

he was too engrossed by the screen that played jimin's favorite cam girl to hear the knocking on his door.

her infamous look was heels and a pleated skirt that she she posed cutely in, revealing her milky, smooth thighs it made jimin lick his plump lips when his eyes became hazier.

the banging on the door grew louder until the door slammed opened revealing an annoyed jung hoseok.

"j-jesus christ, hoseok! not before entering!!" jimin stuttered, shutting his laptop and covering himself in a panic.

"i was knocking for the past two minutes, you need to stop obsessing over that girl. we're going to be late," hoseok scoffed, crossing his arms.

"okay, okay!" jimin replied, pulling up his pants before adding, "im not obsessed with her. . ."

"you used to watch anything, but now all you do is watch her even this early in the morning. . . it's concerning dude," hoseok stated as they walked through campus, jimin wasn't even listening at this point.

jimin rested his bookbag onto the wooden table that spread across half the classroom, this was just another vast room where at least a hundred young adults attended to listen to an old man scream about ethics early in the morning. hoseok sat next to him, who was yawning even though he's the one who wanted to arrive before it got crowded.

there was only one other student who sat across the room, it was kim taehyung who hid behind thick rimmed glasses and wavy bangs.

"ew, its kim taehyung. if i knew he was going to be here then i wouldn't be in such a rush," hoseok retorted, gazing down at taehyung with a disgusted look.

"he's not that bad, is he?" jimin tried to defend his classmate he barely spoke to.

"are you kidding me? there's rumors he sneaks into the girls' locker room!"

"but were those rumors proven?"

"no, but would you want to be friends with someone with rumors floating around him like that?" jimin shrugged at hoseok's question, seeing his point.

he gazed at taehyung one last time who had his head shoved in a comic before getting distracted by a group of students coming in, the teacher entering soon after.

"alright, who's ready for ethics!?"

drinks clattered while conversations morphed together in the background as jimin sat quietly next to his classmates who insisted on all going out for drinks that night, hoseok forced him to join since his best friend had an itching feeling what jimin was going to do if he resided in his room.

jimin let out a heavy sigh, refreshingly cool soju teasing to enter his lips as he tipped the glass closer to his mouth, feeling the alcohol numb his throat as it slithered down.

jimin accepted his fate and grabbed another bottle of soju and chugged it down in one gulp receiving some 'woah's from the people around him.

jimin's head rested on a pillow as he snored loudly and ended waking himself up with his noise. he squinted his eyes when they were met with a bright light, brighter than the bar was.

"w-where am i?" jimin mumbled, still partially in a drunken stupor.

"my studio apartment," someone announced matter of a fact which kind of pissed jimin off for some reason.

jimin rubbed his temples to help focus on his sight, noticing kim taehyung sitting across the room with a blank expression.

"what the fuck."

taehyung rolled his eyes while sighing, rising from his chair.

"you should be thanking me, now stay there. i'll get some water," taehyung demanded, leaving his bedroom for jimin to be alone with his intoxicated thoughts.

"stay put, my ass. it's snoopin time."

jimin began to sneakily opening drawers looking for dirty magazines or at least something laughable, for fuck sake, this was the school's biggest loser.

jimin paused when he saw panties peeking out of a drawer.

"hey, do you have a girl-" jimin called out to taehyung only to trail off with a realization, isn't these panties eerily similar to V's favorite panties?

jimin hurriedly yanked the drawer open, his pupils widening. everything jimin's favorite cam girl wears is exactly what kim fucking taehyung has hidden in this drawer.

"i brought some snacks that might help sober you up too," taehyung announced as jimin could hear the floorboards creaking louder and louder.

"fuck," jimin whisper under his breath, rushing to put everything back and move to his original spot on the bed.

taehyung opened the door with a glass of water in one hand and ramen in the other, there was silence between the two.

was it obvious that jimin knows? wait no, how could taehyung just assume something like that?

"have you been going through my drawers?"

"e-excuse me?"

"my journal isn't in the same place when i left my bedroom, i have a great sense of memory," taehyung admitted with a tense grin, hinting that jimin was in over his head.

park jimin spent the rest of his time there trying not to piss himself only to leave before midnight with zero answers and if not worse anxiety.

holy shit this chapter was longer than expected
but this is my favorite book i've written so far

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