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the next day taehyung sat alone in ethics class, he impatiently tapped his pen, hand on chin. he was lost in thought mostly revolving around jimin.

"hey, taehyung," jisoo approached him, his brows raised as he met eyes with her.

she sat next to him which taehyung didn't exactly welcome, she grabbed the pen he kept tapping and swirled it within her own fingers while she commented, "where's jimin? typically you two are glued like conjoined twins."

taehyung smiled at the thought people see them so close.

"ah. . . he's sick so he won't be showing up anytime soon. . ."

"how unfortunate," jisoo mused, not really sounding that disappointed but more excited she'll be the one taking taehyung's attention.

hoseok entered the room right before the bell rang and immediately met eyes with taehyung. he headed towards the two of them sitting on the opposing side of taehyung causing him to be squished between the two of them. taehyung groaned quietly, feeling a rush down his spine.

this wasn't going to be good.

the professor walked in late per usual and set up a presentation that was different than usual. the bold, dark letters reflected off taehyung's bold, thick glasses. the void of the color mirroring the pit of his eyes. a frown tugged at his lips as the phrase on the board twisted his stomach.

"alright, guys, we're going for a more psychological approach today."


"who agrees with this?" he left a moment of silence and only three hands lifted, "think about it. . . aristotle once said that self-love is the only love that you need for fulfillment."

the professor paced around his desk as he continued lecturing as taehyung at this point was not listening. he would do anything for jimin so how was his love for him selfish?

"the act of letting go of someone or a group of people and finally moving on is the moment you gain power and self-respect- " taehyung chuckled which caused hoseok to eye at him, he cleared his throat while eyeing hoseok back. the thought of letting go of park jimin was impossible whether that was mentally or physically since jimin laid tied as taehyung sat in class.

"i want a group presentation by monday on how you guys individually perceive love." jisoo quickly turned to taehyung after their professor assigned them, "let's be a group, we can go over to your place!"

"yes, I'll join too," hoseok added, smirking at taehyung who sat there, a mere grunt as a 'yes'. the bell rang shortly after he finished explaining the project and requirements, everybody gathered their things.

"i have to use the restroom real quick, i won't be long," jisoo stated before scurrying off.

taehyung and hoseok stood in the hallway awkwardly at a distance while they waited for her. it was a duel between who could give the meaner death glare, not wasting anymore time, taehyung finally piped up.

"i thought you were locked up."

"not anymore, they can only keep me detained for twenty-four hours unless finding any further evidence. where's jimin? is he actually sick?"

"yeah, he is actually," taehyung spat back.

he most definitely isn't.

"oh really, well-" jisoo came out of the bathroom wearing fresh lipstick and smelling double the amount of vanilla than she did originally. she snaked her arm around taehyung as both of the men there rolled their eyes without her noticing.

"alright, let's go to your place to study," she exclaimed to taehyung as she was already dragging him in the direction of his place. he thought maybe there was another stalker on this campus as he barely kept up. hoseok trotted not far behind them with a smug look, contemplating on whether to go or not, but also wanting to keep an eye on taehyung.

taehyung messed around with his keys until finally unlocking the door. the living room was empty and clean, a faint smell of bleach resided in the living room. hoseok and jisoo both snuffed their noses while looking around, hoseok stepped on a small piece of glass that made a crunch.

"why is there glass on the floor. . .?"

"oh, my cat knocked over my lamp and while cleaning up i cut myself hence the bleach smell. i must've missed that spot as i was too busy cleaning up blood before it dried. . ."

"you have a cat!?" jisoo exclaimed, "where is it?" she frantically looked around while clapping like a child.

"its an indoor and outdoor cat, mostly outdoor though," taehyung replied, but he felt hoseok's suspiciously glare on his back which he ignored.

"you guys get comfortable, let me grab my laptop before we get started on the project," taehyung added while heading for the locked door.

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