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"emotions are risen high with the murders of two local college students. a returning student from military absence went mental probably due to his on battle experiences causing the death of kim jisoo along with later that night his death following in an altercation of self-defense. kim taehyung coming out as a hero in this terrible- " jimin turned off the television in his dorm as hoseok paced back and forth.

"he's really being made out to be a hero in all this when in reality he was the puppet master in all this? fucking unbelievable," hoseok crotched down in front of jimin who's remained silent since last night.

jimin looked away, biting his bottom lip, not being able to meet hoseok's eyes.

"i-i promised to see taehyung tonight, he wants to talk to me," jimin muttered, turning his back side to hoseok. in response, his friend only forced him to face him.

"you, what!?" hoseok scoffed in disbelief bringing his palm to his enraged temples.

"please don't yell at me, i can fix this if i can just m-maybe bring him to his senses or something," jimin trailed off, not even believing himself. he felt his thoughts spiraling, never preparing for his life to turn out like this.

"taehyung is a damn lunatic as far as i'm concerned, he might have not killed hana by his own hands but he literally manipulated yoongi to do it so who knows how he's going to manipulate you!"

"are you implying i am easy to manipulate?" jimin crossed his arms, already feeling vulnerable as it was.

hoseok crotched back down in front of his best friend, bringing the boy's hands to his lips. he realized he needs to choose his battles and this is not one of them, the two of them need to work together and it was part of taehyung's whole plan to get between them. hoseok is not going to let taehyung have satisfaction in destroying a decade friendship.

"that's not what i meant, im worried for you, jimin. he's a dangerous man. . ."

jimin nodded his head, fully aware of what he's promised.

"you can go see him tonight, just promise me you'll leave at any point you feel unsafe."

the two of them pinky promised as jimin got up to get ready for tonight.


"you look great," taehyung complimented jimin as he exited his dorm.

jimin rubbed his arm, muttering a quick 'thank you' before walking in front of taehyung. this is when the older grabbed his arm, yanking jimin towards him.

"are you trying to walk away from me? why are you in such a hurry to end the night?" taehyung whispered, jimin felt his hot breathe land on his cheeks. his eyes wondered to his feet as he stuttered back, "i-i'm not. . ."

taehyung left lingering gaze on jimin making the younger gulped. he shook his head and led jimin down the hallway.

there was recently a built in restaurant on campus to bring more students in, the grand opening was last week so it was still buzzing with people.

once they were seated after a long wait, taehyung cleared his throat. he passed the bread and butter over to jimin who looked paler than a ghost.

"you should eat, you don't look to good nowadays."

jimin complied, nibbling on the bread, but still remaining silent. this frustrated the older who decided to go for a more direct approach now.

"i saw hoseok was in your dorm," he muttered.

"please don't involve hoseok in this!" jimin bit his lip as he banged his fist against the counter. taehyung grasped his fist, extending his fingers to expose his sweaty palm. taehyung made little circles on jimin's skin before whispering, "you're going to make me jealous," a dark tint shined in the older's eye as he gently placed jimin's hand back onto the counter.

jimin gulped, "what is that you like about me so much anyway?"

"isn't it obvious?" taehyung stated only to then think to himself back on the first day of classes.

he considered love at first sight.

the waiter interrupted taehyung's thoughts though as he came up with a pen and paper, before asking what to order, he looked at taehyung with a unexpected expression.

"are you that student in the news? the one that saved- " he glanced over to jimin and smiled, "him and some other guy from a psycho?"

taehyung smirked, "that would be me. . ."

"oh my god, that's amazing!" the waiter gasped. jimin blocked out the conversation though as he got lost in his thoughts, a frown tugging at his lips.

this isn't right.

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