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the beams of sunshine rested on jimin's face turning his ebony orbs to a golden honey, its last attempt of displaying light before the earth orbited, transitioning into dusk. the warm blanket of sunshine, lulled the boy to a slumber, cuddling his books, but before he could subdue to his dreams a tap on his shoulder awoken him.

hoseok stood before him, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

"aren't you supposed to be studying?"

jimin rubbed eyes while yawning, ignoring his friend's question. hoseok grabbed him by the wrist and yanked the boy up, dragging him out of the library.

"h-hey, wait! let me at least collect my books!" jimin exclaimed, resisting hoseok by trying to walk back to his desk where his possessions laid.

"oh please, it's not like you were using them anyway."

"yes, i was- !"

"heyy, hoseok and jimin. you two busy tonight?" a female classmate asked, walking up to them.

hoseok smirked, playfully wrapping an arm over her shoulder.

"we aren't busy at all," he flirted causing jimin to scoff.

"great! let's all meet up for drinks."

"so, oppa," hana started, the female classmate, playfully bumping into jimin, "you don't have a girlfriend?"

"uhh no," jimin chuckled awkwardly.

"you don't even have a crush?" she persisted on with the topic even though jimin expressed his awkwardness, ignoring hoseok growling in the background. it wasn't his fault that hana was more interested in him.

"oh hoobae, you're too drunk right now! sheesh what a light weight," jimin teased, pinching her cheeks.

there was a slam at the door of the restaurant, taehyung stomped up towards the three in a big jacket, heaving up and down slightly as if he rushed there.

"jimin-ah, you forgot this at my house. . ." taehyung pulled out a neatly folded tshirt, extending his hand across the table for jimin to receive. jimin's brows knitted together in annoyance and slight confusion as to why it was necessary to interrupt his dinner for a simple shirt.

"uh thanks, taehyung."

"jimin, when did you and taehyung get close enough to talk so casually?" hoseok interrogated, bewildered by taehyung showing up.

"uhm im not sure, we just started becoming friends?" jimin replied, laughing it off in hopes hoseok would drop the topic.

"you're kidding me?" hoseok retorted, face scrunching in disgust, glancing to jimin then to taehyung who still stood there silently.

"well if he's your friend, oppa, then invite him to sit with us!" hana exclaimed, shifting over for taehyung, obviously too drunk to notice the mood.

taehyung hesitantly sat down next to hana who rambled on over little things that meant nothing, just to fill the air that the three boys weren't going to fill.

"oppa," she clung to jimin's arm, "do you want to continue this at my place since it's almost closing time?"

"he's not your oppa. . ." a faint mumble came from taehyung's lips, nearly inaudible.

hana turned to taehyung, clueless as to what he said but jimin quickly caught her attention again, assumingly the only one who actually heard him.

"you said you wanted to continue drinking at your place? how about we all go together," jimin decided, shaking off hana as he nervously glanced at taehyung. the older looked away, pouting.

he stared at hana with a threatening look every time she touched jimin or called him 'oppa', his eyes pulsating to an irritated red as if a vein was about to burst. taehyung gripped the fabric of the booth in an attempt to contain his anger, before having the contents spill out onto the floor, he abruptly walked away towards the washroom.

jimin rose from his spot, concerned, but hoseok held him down.


jimin gazed down at hoseok and complied, resting once more.

"now tell me, when did you and that fag get all buddy buddy?"

"i don't know, why are you so bothered?" jimin scowled at hoseok, just realizing that his friend is actually super judgemental.

hoseok shrugged and stayed silent for a moment, mumbling, ". . . maybe i'm jealous," but he got sounded out by hana yelling for the check.

taehyung comes back in that moment.

"did i miss anything?"

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