His Protector

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There were no dry eyes from anyone gathered in the Great Hall. It was full of students, resting from the battle and treating injuries, or mourning over friends who didn't make it. Some were huddled together as they sobbed, others keeping to themselves as they tried to stop the horrifying images that kept playing in their minds.

The Weasley's were gathered around Fred, who was laid out on a makeshift stretcher, tears streaming down their faces as they waited for some sign of him waking up. He had dried blood on his face and partly in his hair. When he was first carried in, their immediate thoughts had been he was dead, because he seemed so lifeless. They were extremely grateful when they realised he was breathing, and he had a heartbeat.

Molly stroked back her son's hair, trying to calm herself down as to not alarm her children. Never in her life did she think they would have to go through something like this, especially at such a young age. These were her babies, and she was going to protect them with her life like any mother would. George sat beside Fred opposite his mum, praying that his brother's eyes would soon open. Although it had been confirmed that he would be alright, albeit with a few injuries, seeing him lying there made it feel like he wasn't with them anymore. Suddenly, Fred began to stir, scrunching up his eyes and moaning as he felt the pain throbbing through his body.

"How you feeling Freddie?" George quickly asked as the family got closer.

Fred mumbled something, but no one could understand.

"What was that Fred?" Molly quietly said.


"Who? Who are you talking about?" Molly was sure she had heard the name before, perhaps when the boys were still at school.

"(Y/N), where is she?" Fred moaned.

"I don't know Freddie." George replied."I haven't seen her since you were brought in."

"Is..is sh-sh-she a-alive?" Fred was still weak, struggling to speak.

"Fred, please, just rest for now." Molly begged, not wanting to see him in pain any longer.

"Sh-she's d-dead?"

As the family struggled to keep Fred still and stop him from panicking, Ginny backed away, knowing the only way Fred would settle was if she found (Y/N). When Fred was carried in, (Y/N) had also been brought him right behind him, but they were separated. She was taken off towards her friends, and in the heat of the moment, Ginny hadn't questioned if she was alright, making her feel awful.

Although (Y/N) had been close to the twins, she hadn't been as mischievous as them, not wanting multiple detentions or to get in any trouble as much as they did. It was a surprising friendship between them, especially when (Y/N) was so nice to Ginny, despite the age difference; she was always surprised that the boys never invited her round to their home during the holidays. Because she saw how Fred would sneak glances at the girl, always rolling her eyes at how obvious he was being with his feelings, yet neither one did anything about it.

Ginny ignored the calls from her dad when she set off in the hall to find (Y/N), bombarding her peers with questions, desperate to find her as quickly as possible. Luckily amongst everyone, she spotted (Y/N)'s friends huddled on the floor, holding onto the unconscious girl's hands. Ginny startled them as she rushed over.

"Is she..." Ginny started.

"She's alive. But she's weak." one of her friends sniffled.

"We need to move (Y/N)." Ginny demanded.


"She needs to be beside Fred."

Fred Weasley ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now