What's Wrong With Being Confident?

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Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name

Warnings: Negative talk about weight/shape/bodies, insecurities, bullying, swearing, fluff, body positivity. 

Enjoy :)

"Found your dress for the Yule Ball yet?" my friend asked as we made our way to the Great Hall for dinner.

"Yes! My mum got it delivered to me. I'll try it on later and show you, it's actually stunning!" I beamed.

"Yay! Shall we try out hairstyles too?"

"Oh yes! That's such a good idea!"

We sat on the benches, starting to talk to our other friends about the same topic. We were all giddy about it, I had been the only one asked out so far, but that's because it was inevitable that I was going to go with my boyfriend. It was still early, we had a while before the ball was here, the girls had time (even though they were stressing). We started other conversations as we ate, but soon came back to the topic of dates for the Yule Ball.

"(Y/N), you're so lucky that you have Fred."

"Yeah, I am." I blushed."He's been secretly cute about the whole thing. He's even going to try and get a bow tie the same colour as my dress!"

"A dress that you won't be able to fit into." someone mumbled loud enough behind me.

I rolled my eyes, turning around to see who it was. Oh, of course it was Chloe. A fellow student in the same year as me, a Ravenclaw, who tormented me since our first class together. She was very offended by my appearance, always wanting to make a comment. Like any other teenager, I used to be very conscious about how I looked, and that I was slightly...bigger than the other girls. But when I realised that how I looked didn't effect finding friends or doing well in school, I forgot about it. I liked how I looked, my friends always hyped me up, and I had a gorgeous, caring (if not cheeky) boyfriend; Fred had admitted that my confidence was very attractive to him. And that pissed off Chloe to no end, especially after she had pined after him for so long.

"As usual Chloe, if have something to say about me, say it to my face."

She flipped her hair as she faced me, her upper lip curled up."I'm just stating the truth."

"No, you're being a bully for no reason."

"A bully? What are we, five?"

"Your mentality would say so, yes."

She scoffed."Stop living in your fantasy world (Y/N). I saw you open that dress when it got delivered, you're delusional if you think that would fit you."

"Funnily enough Chloe, it was made to measure."

"Might want to measure again, especially if you keep eating like that everyday."

I glanced at my plate. It really didn't have that much on it."What do you gain from this? I'm sorry if this somehow makes you feel better about yourself."

"What? Don't be sorry! I...I do it because...because-"

"That's what I thought, have a nice dinner Chloe."

Swiveling back round, my friends stifled their giggles. They had always stood up for me, but also knew that I was able to fight my own battles. It didn't hurt so much anymore, it was more annoying. I just knew every time someone had something nice to say to me, or even if I looked like I had a stride in my step, Chloe would somehow appear and try to bring me down. Wasn't it exhausting being mean to people day in and out? Just let people be and get on with your life.

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