Grow Up Fast

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Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name

Warnings: Abandonment/Neglect, adoption/orphanage, lots and lots of fluff


I placed my hand over my stomach as I felt it rumble, thinking about what I would have for dinner tonight. It had been a long day in the shop, it was becoming busy now, especially with all the children getting ready to go back to Hogwarts. Sighing, I passed by George who had just finished with a customer, deciding that now would be a good time to start cleaning up if we wanted to go home soon.

"I'm going to start tidying up. Call if you need anything." I explained, receiving a nod from my brother-in-law.

Heading into the stock room, I spotted the pile of cardboard that needed to be taken out to the bins. Although I was tired, I mustered up all of the energy I had left, managing to carry it all outside. Once it had been dumped, I brushed my hands against each other to get rid of any dirt when I heard a strange sound. Freezing on the spot, I listened out once again, hearing a muffled cry. I couldn't be sure what it was, taking out my wand in case it was something dangerous. Perhaps it was an animal that had escaped one of the shops and had smelt the food thrown out. Slowly and cautiously, I stepped towards the noise, quickly pulling back a piece of cardboard and pointing my wand in that direction, gasping when I saw what was laying there.

A baby lazily swaddled up wriggled around, crying out louder now. I was stunned, not expecting this. Putting my wand away, I carefully picked them up, wrapping the baby up tighter. It was a boy, he couldn't be older than a few months old, but it wasn't a newborn. He was still small, and I wondered how long he had been out here. It was cold and wet, he would have surely died if left out here any longer. Going back into the stock room, I perched on a crate, struggling to take off my jacket as I held him, but once off I wrapped it around the baby, providing extra warmth. He wasn't wailing anymore, he had stopped once he was in my arms. He snuggled his face against me, holding onto as much warmth as he could. Who could leave a baby to defend for itself like this?

"(Y/N), are you back here?" Fred called out to me, shock showing on his face as soon as he spotted me.

"It's not mine." I stupidly said.

Fred's mouth opened and closed repeatedly, unsure what question to ask first. His eyes remained on the baby as he approached, still baffled by the sight before him.

"(Y/N), what's going on here?" he finally said.

"I found him by the bins. He was underneath some cardboard, there was no note, there was nothing but this blanket he's wrapped up in."

"We're going to have to call someone, someone official."

"Can someone come help out here, I would like to go home soon..." George burst in, his words trailing off when he saw what was happening."Well you kept that quiet, you hardly even showed (Y/N)."

"He's so cold." I mumbled, holding the baby closer.

"Poor little fella." George joined us, smiling down at the child."Look, let's shut shop early, then we'll call around, see who can help us."

I remained where I was, starting to walk around and rock the child to keep him content. His big, brown eyes stared up at me, he had such lovely eyelashes. For someone who had been left out for who knows how long, he had a small smile on his face the entire time. The twins managed to close without me, only Fred returning.

"George is trying to figure out who to contact. No doubt he'll be taken to an orphanage." Fred said, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"He's not made a sound since you left. I didn't want him to fall asleep either, he's just so frail."

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