Cherry Blossom

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Fred was most definitely a flirt. You knew that, George knew that, hell, your entire year knew that. Still, that knowledge didn't take away from the fact that you got butterflies every time it happened.

You had been friends with the Weasley twins ever since your first year at Hogwarts. It was actually George and you who became fast friends, then you warmed up to Fred and his more outgoing nature.

In that time, it's safe to say you harbored a bit of a crush on the older twin. Sometimes with all the flirting you two do, you even consider that he may feel the same way back towards you. Most times you brush it off for a more realistic idea that he's just a natural flirt, which he is.

"Y/n!" George shouted from across the great hall. He and Fred excitedly waved you over to them.

You chuckled and brought your dinner over to where they sat. Fred moved over a seat and patted the spot between him and his brother.

"You know I would have made my way over here eventually, right?" You teased as you sat down. "You can never get rid of me." You lightly bumped shoulders with the twins as they chuckled.

"Thank Godric for that," Fred sighed, "who else would do my potions homework for me." He smirked at you and shoveled a piece of toast into his mouth.

You scoffed, "At least George likes me for who I am and not just my potions answers. Right, Georgie?" You sweetly smiled at your best friend who just nervously laughed.

"Uh-huh, yup, so right, Y/n."

Fred cackled as you rolled your eyes and shoved George away from you. He burst out laughing and tried to pull you close to him. "Y/n, I'm just teasing!" He tried to wrap his arms around your shoulder, but you playfully pried him off. "Don't be like this, doll."

"Hey, back off, George." Fred joked as he pulled you by your shoulders so your back rested against his chest. "Only I can call her doll. Right, dollface?"

Your nose wrinkled, "Doll, yes. Dollface? I don't know if I'm into that one, Freddie."

You sat up from his chest, even though you quite liked being close to him.

Fred liked when you were close to him too. Just having some type of physical contact with you made him happy.

As you ate your breakfast, Fred grabbed hold of your hand and gave it a playful squeeze. You chuckled, "having fun?"

"Oh yeah, having a blast over here." He smirked.

"What are you two lovebirds doing now?" George asked with a playful smirk.

George knew about your crush on Fred, just like he knew about Fred's crush on you. He wasn't really one to meddle, especially with how hard you begged him not to say anything, but he often could get away with sly comments such as that.

"Nothing you wouldn't be proud of, Georgie." Fred smirked, "Just holding my girl's hand is all."

You and Fred weren't together by any means, but the line between friends and something more was almost always blurred.

"Oh, so I'm your girl now, huh?"

Fred's grin just widened as you wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you close. "You've always been my girl, you just didn't know it."

You looked from Fred's grinning face to his brother's smug one. You gave George a deadpan look.

"Don't look at me like that Y/n/n, you're supposed to be nice to your best mate." George chuckled as he ruffled your hair.

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