A Nice Clean Game

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I pulled the strings of the loose-fitting green robe together, tying them into a knot on my chest. When I decided the knot was tight enough I grabbed my gloves, putting them on as well. I heard the cheers from outside begin as the announcer began talking. 

I couldn't make it out from the changing rooms, but I assumed they were about to announce the teams. I took one last look at myself in the mirror, nodding in approval as I grabbed my broom.

My teammates next to me got their brooms as well, all of us making our way to the gate to be announced. I looked straight ahead, not particularly focused on anything. The players around me engaged in low conversation as we waited.

 I heard Draco begin to banter with Harry behind me. I smirked to myself as I looked down at my shoes, seeing one of the laces untied. My smirk turned to a frown as I set my broom down, crouching to tie them.

Just as I finished, a pair of shoes stepped into my peripheral- pointed straight towards me. I took one look at the size and color of the shoes before rolling my eyes and standing up.

I affirmed my thoughts when I looked at the owner of the shoes, staring up into the eyes of none other than Fred Weasley. He was smugly smirking as if his team had already won.

"What're you smiling about Weasley?" I asked, already regretting asking as I watched his smirk grow into a smile.

"Just imagining the look on your face once Slytherin's little track record is disturbed." He said, stepping closer. My heart sped up, despite how much I didn't want it to. Having to crane my neck in order to look at him, I put a sarcastic smile on my face.

"Oh, you mean the track record of 7 years?" I said, "You'd have better luck playing against muggles." Fred smiled and rolled his eyes playfully. I tried to hide my smile, turning back to face the gates. He remained silent as the gates began to open, the sun shining through.

"It's not too late to save yourself the embarrassment and go back to the dorms." I said to him over the sound of the crowd starting to spill into the room. He leaned down to hear me better, laughing to himself.

"Good luck to you as well, you little minx." He whispered into my ear. I kept my gaze on the opening gates, not wanting him to see my face become flustered. He stood up straight as the rest of the Gryffindor team lined up behind him- the Slytherin team doing the same behind me.

As the gates almost became fully opened, I got on my broom and flew out of the gates and onto the field. My eyes took a second to become adjusted to the brightness of the sun as the wind blew against my face. I waved to everyone in the stands and got into focus. 

I flew all around the field, adrenaline flowing through my veins at the sound of the crowd cheering.

After a few laps around the field, the team got into position as Lee spoke over the speakers once more.

"The players take their positions as Madam Hooch steps out onto the field to begin the game!"

The crowd continued to cheer and yell as I looked down to Madam Hooch.

"Now I want a nice, clean game. From all of you." She said sternly, looking up at Slytherin specifically.

Everyone smirked and looked around mischievously at each other- even Gryffindor. My eyes went from shooting knowing looks at my team to disgusted looks at the Gryffindor team. When my eyes went to Fred, I found him already looking at me. 

Unlike the rest of his team, who were scowling at me, he was smiling. A pleasant, non-malicious smile. I became nervous under his stare, adjusting my grip on my broom and looking back down at Madam Hooch instead.

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