I hate you

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"Out of my way, Weasley," a scowl decorated your face as you tried to push past the annoyingly tall ginger and his less annoying twin who were taking up half the doorway out of the common room.

"And good morning to you too, princess, did you sleep well?" he smirked, all you wanted was to slap the sly smirk off his face or just make him disappear completely - the last option intriguing you more than you'd like to admit.

"Move and stop bothering me," you pushed his chest for him to move, which he did, but because it's Fred he didn't do so without dramatically clutching his stomach and falling into George.

Your eyes made a full rotation, a displeased huff was the last they heard before you were out the door.

"You could cut the sexual tension with a knife," George smirked knowingly as Fred found his footing again, but he just scoffed at his words.

"You're delusional, Georgie, y/l/n is the most annoying, stuck up person in the whole of Hogwarts, she's just fun to mess with," Fred crossed his arms over his chest, annoyed that his own brother could even think that he could have a thing for you... you were annoying and rude, and attractive... no, maybe, just a little; Fred shook his head at the thought, his mindset - you were just annoying.

"She really only acts that way in front of you, you know, from what I've gathered she's pretty nice... you could've just apologized after that accident," George spoke hesitantly, but Fred just shook his head once more.

"Come on, let's go get breakfast, we have a lot on our "agenda"."


Your problem with Fred had started your second year of Hogwarts, before then you had no relation with him or George, just hearing the stories or seeing them in the common room briefly, no doubt planning pranks.

A prank that they tried to pull on a Slytherin from your potions class had misfired and unfortunately made you the unsuspecting victim; your work, school satchel which was carrying a week's worth of finished homework, and uniform completely ruined.

Instead of apologizing, Fred had just laughed, not even caring that their prank had hit a fellow Gryffindor instead of a Slytherin. You had left the class so none of your classmates could see you cry, the tears streaming down your face as you angrily made your way back to your dorm to change and restart all your homework.

All you wanted was an apology, but you never got one, all you got was more pranks targeting you; it was as if the first prank opened Fred's eyes to the possibility of annoying you specifically.

To say you were well annoyed by him was an understatement and you tried ever since then to avoid him, which was much harder being in the same house as him.


Making their way into the Great Hall, Fred quickly spotted you at the long table, you were conversing gently with some of your friends, a smile on your face, one he didn't often see. He subconsciously sat himself down at a spot where he would be able to look at you with nothing blocking his view, to which George just smirked knowingly, but kept his mouth shut.

Throughout breakfast Fred kept stealing glances your way, as he always did, looking at the way you laughed, the gentleness in your eyes, he felt calm looking at you - not that he'd ever admitted that.

You felt his stare, but when your eyes landed on his, Fred quickly picked up a piece of toast and chugged it your way, hitting you square in the face, a loud laugh following.

You stood from your seat, your face red and hot as you stared daggers into his laughing visage.

"What the hell, Weasley! Godric, you're so immature, why don't you grow up?!" You yelled across the table, your finger-wagging as you pointed at him, the conversation at the table ceasing, all eyes looking between you and Fred.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2021 ⏰

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