The Nice One-Fred Weasley x Muggle/Dursley! Reader

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Sitting back in a plastic chair, I looked out of the huge window of the coffee shop, sighing as I realised it had started to rain. I never minded the rain really, but it had been like this since May, with no sign of a proper English summer in sight. Harry returning to the table with two mugs of tea distracted me, and I smiled as he set them on the table, sitting opposite to me.

"It feels like ages since we did this." I said, blowing over the top of the tea.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I've not called or contacted you in any way recently." he apologised, casting his eyes down.

"Harry, you don't have to be sorry for anything." I reassured him."You've been making your life in...well, your world. We've all grown up, had to get used to becoming adults and such. Though it is a shame we haven't seen each other for over a year."

"Year and a half actually."

"I wasn't surprised when you invited me here though. Of course, this is under better circumstances. I'm not having to drag you out of the house to avoid my parents."

"No, this is much nicer." he chuckled."How are they by the way? I was able to see Dudley last month."

"They're fine, same as always. I don't see them as much as I should, though I do call them often. Sometimes it's hard you know, especially after all that's happened in the last few years." I took a sip of tea, finally able to start drinking it.

Harry seemed hesitant to speak again."Actually, I was wanting to ask you something."


"Do you remember me talking to you about a girl called Ginny?"

"Ooh, has my little cousin fallen in love?" I was teasing until I saw the genuine smile on his face."Wait, Harry, do you really like this girl?"

"W-well...I h-have for a while, we actually told each other our feelings when, when other things turned serious. And it's been going good between us, really good, which leads me to my question."

I was confused as to where this was going, but waited for him to carry on.

"I was wondering if you would come meet her?"

"You want me to meet her?" I excitedly repeated.

"Yeah," he smiled back,"there's going to be a birthday party for me at her family home. She's a Weasley."

"Wait, isn't that the last name of your friend Ron?"

"It is."

"You're dating your best friend's sister?"

"I've already talked about it with him! Do you remember I stayed with him over that summer, and I wrote to you from there?"

"The Burrow!"

He nodded."They're more than happy to have you there."

"Of course I'll come Harry! For now, you have to tell me everything about this Ginny girl."

The party was two weeks away, and I could not contain my excitement as it got closer and closer. Although Harry had told me much about the wizarding world, he was the only wizard I had ever met (unless I counted that giant man that had tracked us down when Harry first found out he possessed magic, though there weren't any introductions), and I was extremely excited to meet more of them. Would they constantly be using magic? Would they just conjure up food and drink? And would they be comfortable with me there? I knew that Harry wouldn't leave me alone unless I was one hundred percent comfortable with everyone.

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