kissing in the rain

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Seulgi wrapped her arm around you as you walked out of the cafe together.

Her smile was big and bright as you talked about anything and everything together and it filled your heart with joy to see. Because you know how busy she's been lately and you know sometimes she gets overwhelmed. To be able to see her so carefree and so content today with you only made you feel happier.

"What should we do next?" You asked as you placed your head on her shoulder, staring up at the sky that was still cloudy and grey like it's been from the moment you woke up this morning.

Seulgi shrugged her shoulders. She didn't really have many ideas, but she was up for whatever you wanted to do.

"Anything you want, baby. You pick what we do next."

You thought about it for a moment, about to suggest maybe going for a walk on the beach or for a bike ride somewhere.

But then, you felt a few drops of rain fall gently onto your shoulder, followed by a clap of thunder not far from you.

"Go home and cuddle? Maybe watch a movie?" You suggested, your plans changing quickly when you realized it was going to start to rain.

But Seulgi was more than happy with that idea and she quickly nodded her head in agreement.

"Sounds perfect. C'mon, let's go." She grinned and started to walk a little faster with you, her hand wrapped tightly around yours. "Maybe we can get home before it starts to storm."

You hoped for the same thing, however, luck was not on your side. Because just a couple of minutes later, when you reached the block your shared home was on, it began to pour. Instantly, your clothes became soaked and your shoes sloshed with every step you took.

Thankfully, the house wasn't much further. So you sped up a little, letting your feet carry you faster and faster so you could hurry inside and change into some dry clothes and then climb under the covers with Seulgi for cuddles before you got cold.

But just as the house came into view, Seulgi stopped walking. You turned around to gaze at her but suddenly became enthralled over the way she was looking at you. She didn't say a word as she pulled you closer, right into her arms. Her forehead fell against yours, her knuckles gently stroking your damp cheek.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" You chuckled but your heart was skipping beat after beat over the look of love in her eyes.

"Because you're absolutely gorgeous."

She watched your eyes light up and that smile she loves so much tug at your lips, causing her heart to melt.

"Before we go inside, there's something I've been waiting to do with you."

"What?" You asked curiously and watched as she looked away from your eyes and down to your lips, brushing her tongue along her perfect lips before she looked back into your eyes.

"I've always wanted to kiss you in the rain."

You smiled and pushed your lips onto hers right after the words fell from her sweet lips. As she does with every kiss you share, she quickly melted into you. You moved your lips passionately against hers as she held you a little tighter, a blissful sigh falling from her lips and onto yours as she relished in the taste of your lips.

You pulled away a few seconds later, a smile on your face as you put your arms around her neck and brushed the tip of your nose against hers.

"That was better than I ever imagined it could be." She smiled and pecked your lips. "You're just so amazing," she whispered as she turned the peck into another kiss, this one a little deeper than the last, but just as romantic.

You shared a few more kisses as the rain continued to pour. You were caught up in the bliss you felt, certain that nothing could ever ruin this perfect moment with Seulgi.

But the loud crash of thunder nearby made you jump and pull away.

"Oh, baby," she spoke sadly as she ran her hands along your arms as you shivered. "You're cold. Let's go inside."

She led you up the steps and put the key in the door, closing it behind you.

You both changed and climbed under the blankets together, instantly hugging each other close.

She turned on your favorite film and ran her fingers up and down your back soothingly and kept you as warm as she could as the storm continued outside, promising that she wasn't going to let you go for the rest of the day.

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