she buys you your favorite snacks (requested)

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"Baby? Are you still upset with me?" Seulgi asked as she appeared in the bedroom.

She was holding something behind her back as she stared at you.

You were laying down on the bed with a blanket over you and your phone in your hand.

You're ignoring everything she's saying, just as you have been for the last hour or two.

At first, Seulgi didn't understand why you seemed so upset with her, but it clicked shortly after she arrived home from practice.

She'd missed the lunch date you were supposed to go on this afternoon and she feels absolutely terrible about it.

"Please don't be mad." She said as she stepped closer to you. "I have something for you."

You put your phone down and looked over at her as she reached the bed, standing in front of it.

She pulled a couple of bags out from behind her back and dumped them on the bed and your eyes went wide over seeing all of your favorite snacks scattered across the sheets.

Sour, sweet, and salty snacks were all over the bed.

All the ones that you love, some that you haven't had in the longest time, were everywhere around you.

You looked at Seulgi and saw her pouting at you adorably.

"Still mad at me?' She wondered.

"No." You quietly answered.

"I really am sorry about missing lunch. I was just so busy with the girls that it slipped from my mind. I will make it up to you."

"You already did." You said and watched her lips pull into the brightest smile.

"Yeah? Do you like them? I did good?"

"Yeah. Thank you." You said before scooting closer to her.

You threw your arms around her neck to give her a warm hug and she breathed out a sigh of relief upon feeling you so close to her.

"I went to a few different stores to get as many as I could. I know you like a lot of different things so I got some salty, some sweet, some sour. I figured you'd like them."

"I do. Thank you, baby." You smiled before you began to kiss her face, making her scrunch her nose up as giggles fell from her lips.

You put your lips on hers a second later and she hummed contentedly as she pulled you closer, adoring the way that your lips felt and moved against her own.

You grabbed one of the snacks and tore it open before offering her a little of it, which she happily took.

You laid down and patted her side of the bed and she quickly curled up beside you.

And as you cuddled with her and tangled your legs with hers, you shared kisses and snacks and enjoyed every second spent together.

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