angry then soft Seulgi (requested)

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"Oh, wow, look who it is," Seulgi spoke from her spot at the kitchen table.

You sank your teeth into your lip and continued to feel guilty for being so late.

"You finally decided to come home?"

"Seulgi, please don't do this." You pleaded. "I swear, I tried to get home faster but my boss wouldn't let me leave until I finished doing a few things."

She got up from the chair and walked across the room to get closer to you.

"I understand that you're a hard worker, Y/N, and a good one at that. But you promised you'd be home by five and it's going on eight o'clock. I made this amazing dinner for us and waited for you and you couldn't even send me a text!"

"My phone died." You said and showed her that you couldn't turn it on.

"That's fine but couldn't you have texted me from one of your friends' phones? I mean, just something to let me know that you're okay. Or, better yet, that you wouldn't be late so I wouldn't be sitting here for hours by myself!"

You hung your head as a rush of sadness and guilt continued to flood over you.

"I understand if you have to work overtime sometimes. This wasn't a fancy dinner for a fancy occasion, it was just so we could sit and spend some time together over a drink or two and some good food. But you couldn't even tell me! You know damn well you'd be pissed if I did that to you and you'd have every right! Don't I?"

"Yes, of course you do." You said. "Seulgi, I understand that you're angry."

"I'm very angry!" She huffed.

"I'm sorry." You sighed. "I'm sorry I ruined our nice dinner and our evening together. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you I'd be late because of my phone dying and me not being able to get a second with one of my friends to send you a text from their phone. I'm sorry."

You looked crushed as you stared into her eyes, causing them to soften as her anger began to fade.

"This was so important to you and I ruined it."

"I'm sorry I got so angry." She said as she put her hand on your back. "I just wanted to spend some time with my girl."

"I know. I wanted some time with you too. It's just hard to refuse my boss asking me to stay for a few extra hours when I need the money and my coworkers need some extra help. Things were busy and chaotic today and I was afraid if I didn't stay later like my boss asked me, I'd lose my job or upset everyone and look bad."

"I understand." She said.

"You have every right to be mad at me. I should've found a way to tell you. I would be angry too if this happened to you and you couldn't tell me."

"Yeah, but you would forgive me sooner or later. We both know you can't resist me." She joked and hugged you from behind, placing her cheek on your shoulder.

"You're correct."

"I know. Because I can't resist you and I can't stay angry at you for too long. I'm sorry for getting angry."

"It's okay." You said and turned around to face her.

Her eyes were so soft, so full of stars as all of the anger she'd felt before completely vanished.

"Do you want to order some food?"

"What about this?" You nodded to the food on the table.

"It's been sitting out a few hours. Why don't we order some food and, tomorrow, if you want to, we can have a makeup dinner? We can make it together and enjoy some time together."

"Okay." You smiled before kissing her lips.

"Let's go find someplace to order from and cuddle."

"Sounds perfect." You said as she wrapped her arm around you and walked upstairs with you, as soft as can be now that she was calmed down and felt better.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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