you're the sixth member and she stands up for you (requested)

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Sitting down between Seulgi and Joy, you looked around the building in amazement over how many fans have shown up for the fan meeting today.

It never fails to bring a smile to your face when the fans make you and the girls feel so loved.

You never imagined that you'd come so far. It always feels so surreal.

So, every time you get the chance to meet them and show them so much love in return, you're always so happy about it.

After you got settled, the fans started to slowly come to meet all of you.

One by one, you signed things for them and took a couple of minutes to talk with them.

It was wonderful; being able to listen to them as they talked about how much you and the members have changed their lives and how much Red Velvet, as a whole, has brought them immense comfort and a sense of belonging.

But it wasn't all fun and loving.

Living this kind of life isn't as easy as people dream it may be.

You've always felt like the least favorite of the group, feeling as though you don't fit in as well with your members and best friends.

You've opened up about it before to them. You tend to get criticized the most; a lot of hatred is always being sent your way.

But they always reassure you that it couldn't be further from the truth and you're just as loved as everyone else.

But it's hard to believe sometimes, especially when you get more than your fair share of hate.

Despite being at a fan meeting and being in a place where you should be showered with love more than ever, you still feel like you stand out the most, as if some people would rather you not be there.

And it was only confirmed when you overheard a couple of girls talking.

They were close to you. They had just finished meeting Wendy and were moving on to Joy, who was right next to you.

You patiently waited for them, sending them a bright smile when they noticed you.

"Hi." You said politely and just watched them roll their eyes and send you a dirty look.

"I don't want to talk to her. Can't I just skip over her and go talk to Seulgi instead?" One of them said, trying to be quiet but failing to do so.

"I want to." The other said before they started to giggle together. "I can't stand her. She's so annoying. I wish she wasn't part of Red Velvet. The group would be so much better if she wasn't. What good does she do for the group when she's so talentless and gross?"

You hung your head in sadness while Seulgi lifted hers, completely baffled by how mean those girls were being.

"I think even the girls hate her, deep down. They should. She steals their spotlight a lot, seeks attention. She should just leave the group. Imagine being able to buy an album and not worry about if you're going to get stuck with a photocard of her or having to hear her annoying voice during the songs-"

"Hey! That's enough!" Seulgi yelled as she banged her hands on the table. "How dare you girls talk like that! I'm in shock over how incredibly cruel you're both being right now!"

Everyone went quiet, listening as Seulgi yelled as anger rushed through her veins.

"You have no right to act like that. Y/N is a crucial part of this group. Red Velvet wouldn't be the same without her. She brings us a lot of happiness when we all need it. She is an amazing friend, a talented vocalist, and a wonderful dancer. She's beautiful and kind. Sorry you're so jealous or so bitter that you can't see that."

You went wide-eyed over what all she was saying while the other members just grinned, happy to see someone saying it.

"She works hard. She is just as important as all of us are. If you don't like her, do not walk around saying you're a fan of us. We don't stand for that. You treat all of us with respect, you love all of us equally, or you're just not a fan." She said and watched as the girls sighed. "I want you to leave."

"You can't kick us out." They laughed.

"I think our fan meet would be so much better if you girls weren't here."

Joy put her hand on your arm and squeezed it as you blinked away your tears as the girls left.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Irene asked as she, Wendy, and Yeri got out of their seats to come and hug you.

"That was so uncalled for," Yeri said, scoffing in disbelief over those girls.

"Don't listen to them, y/n. You're wonderful and you know we care about you so much. We wouldn't be able to handle all we go through if you weren't by our sides through it all." Wendy said before taking her seat again.

"Yeah, Red Velvet is six. No one is ever going to change that." Joy said. "We love you. Never forget that."

You smiled at Joy before turning your attention to Seulgi.

"Thank you for everything you said back there."

"Don't thank me. It all needed to be said. I wasn't going to stand for that. I meant every word."

You put your head on her shoulder and she gave you a quick hug.

"You're just as loved and as important as the rest of us, y/n. People might try and tell you differently but they don't matter and they never will. What matters is that you've got five friends here who love you and always have your back. I will always stand up for you and so with the girls, just as you would for us if that would've been one of us instead."

You nodded and she smiled at you.

"Don't let them bring you down. So many people here are excited to meet you. They adore you. Keep your head up. You're amazing and I know everyone in this room would agree with me on that."

"Thanks, Seulgi."

"Anytime." She said, squeezing your shoulder with a grin before you returned to meeting the fans, feeling much better now.

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