every step of the way (requested)

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Author's Note: This chapter contains possibly triggering content. It involves an eating disorder so please do not read this if that makes you uncomfortable in any way. Thank you.


"Dinner was amazing. Thank you so much, baby. I'm so happy we got to have a good meal together." You told Seulgi and gave her a kiss on her cheek, making her smile from ear to ear.

She stood at the sink, loading the dirty dinner dishes into the dishwasher.

But her eyes lit up so brightly upon hearing you say just how much you enjoyed dinner because all she'd wanted tonight was to make something special for you both since it's been such a long week.

"No problem at all, sweet girl. I'm so glad you loved it and I'm happy we got to spend some time together too."

You sent her a smile as you tried your hardest to hide the growing anxiety creeping up on you.

"I'll be right back and then I can help you with the dishes or cleaning up if you want me to." You said before hurrying up the stairs and down the hall to your shared bedroom.

You rushed into the bathroom and closed the door behind you before you knelt on the floor.

Tears filled your eyes as the hurtful comments people kept leaving on social media about you kept playing through your head and as much as you didn't want to give in, you couldn't help it.

As your dinner came back up, Seulgi slowly and quietly made her way to the bedroom.

She's had this gnawing feeling lately that you haven't been taking care of yourself the way that you should and she's extremely worried about you.

As much as she hates to admit it, she knows something isn't right, especially with the way you hurried upstairs just after you put your plate on the counter.

She tiptoed into your shared bedroom and stood outside the bathroom door and her heart dropped upon hearing you throwing up.

It wasn't caused by food poisoning or the flu.

She knew it was because you're purposely making yourself sick and the realization of that is making her heart sink deep in her chest.

She opened the door and you turned your head to look at her.

You brought a shaky hand up to your mouth to wipe it while your other held back your hair and the look in your eyes when you met Seulgi's confirmed her biggest concerns.

"Oh, baby," She sadly spoke before she knelt behind you and gently pushed your hand away so she could hold your hair back as more of your food came up.

It didn't last much longer and when the silence hit the air, the guilt flooded over you.

You flushed the toilet before standing up and making your way to the sink.

You washed your hands and then reached for your toothbrush as Seulgi sat on the edge of the bathtub with her sad eyes on you.

"How long has this been going on for?" She asked as you finished brushing your teeth.

You rinsed your mouth out before drying it with the hand towel and slowly looking over at her.

"I don't know exactly. I've lost track of time." You quietly replied. "But... too long."

She sighed before standing up and gently taking your wrist in hers to lead you out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.

She laid down before pulling you into her arms, her eyes locked with yours.

"I'm so sorry." You said as tears filled your eyes. "I never meant to disappoint you."

"I am not disappointed in you, baby." She quickly said. "That's the last thing I could ever be. What I am is scared. I'm very scared. You're making yourself sick, baby, and I'm so worried about you. I don't want to lose you."

Her lower lip trembled as a tear fell down her cheek.

"You're never going to lose me. I know I'm not doing well but I promise you won't lose me."

"I can't believe I never noticed anything wrong. I should've noticed you weren't doing well and I should've been here for you!" She said in frustration as she sat up.

"Seulgi, please don't be upset at yourself." You pleaded as you sat up with her and held onto her. "I haven't told anyone. I didn't want to tell you. I'm ashamed."

"Don't be ashamed." She whispered as she looked at you again. "I know you're struggling and I know you're hurting..."

You nodded as she paused, her fingers gently cupping and brushing along your cheek.

"But I'm here for you and I promise you, whatever you have to do to get better, I'll do it with you." She promised. "I don't care what I have to do. I just want you to be okay. I love you so much."

"I love you too." You sniffled as you threw your arms around her to hug her tight. "I'm sorry I never told you but I swear, it's not you. I just let the things people say get under my skin. I try to be strong but sometimes it's hard."

"I know." She whispered as she held you a little tighter. "Shh, baby, I've got you."

"I don't want to do this anymore though. I'll get help." You assured as she rubbed her back, both of you letting out all of your sadness and concerns together.

"Okay." She said, softly kissing your shoulder. "I'll support you every step of the way. I promise."

You nodded and kissed her cheek as your eyes slipped shut, knowing that you never wanted to lose her either and you didn't want to feel like this anymore.

It wouldn't be an easy thing; it was going to be a long road to recovery.

But you had Seulgi there with you every step of the way and that's all you need.

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