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You had woken up in a classroom

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You had woken up in a classroom. The classroom had at least 2 security cameras, and the windows where bordered. Well not exactly bordered they were sealed tight using big sheets of metal and massive bolts. Bright yellow wallpaper. A hideous pattern might many may say. It was tacky.

"Huh? A pamphlet?"

You picked up the neatly folded paper and begun to read it. Maybe it would give me a indication of what had happened. At least answer to why you were here. Instead of anywhere else much more fun or pleasent to be. "Is this some kind of cruel joke? This looks like some 5-year-old made this!"

This was mockery at its finest.

The pamphlet had read: 'Hey there New Kid! The next semester is about to start. Starting today this school will be your entire world.'

"Entire world?" Why would this school become my entire world? What do they mean by this. "I don't think I can stand this ugly wallpaper anymore!" You mumbled under your breath. Not that you were wrong. Neon yellow paired with black stripes is a crime. At least, to you it is, apprently not to the designer.

Lost in thought you had began to walk down a hallway. Following the allocated signs to the gym. Your eyes scanning the walls and other things in the building. Looking at more barred and sealed windows. As well as the stairwell, which was tightly sealed. No way up or down. In the gym there were 15 other students. All distinct and different. Far from bland, well, aside from one brown haired boy. Looking at everyone is a mash of colours, all strewed in the one room.

"Now then!" Something that was not in the room had talked, it had a annoying sounding voice. Squeeky to the point it made your blood boil.

"WHO IN THE HELL SAID THAT!" Boomed a more muscular guy with his hair looking poofy up top. To you, his hair looked whack. But just seeing his face, you could tell he had anger issues. Big ones at that.

"It was MEEEE! I'm your headmaster! Monokuma!" Called a round half and half bear. It looked creepy in a way. Eerie even.

"Why should we listen to some remote-controlled bear?" Called out one of the other people. Seemingly also insulted to be in the presence of whatever this 'Monokuma' is.

"I AM NOT A STUFFED BEAR! I am your Headmaster Monokuma!" The small bear whined. Throwing it's arm's up in the air to emphasize that it's annoyed. Like a animal trying to make itself bigger to be more... intimidating. But that wasn't working, Monokuma was small. Like a toy you give to a young child.

"Sure! Its 100% not a remote-controlled bear! This is just some cruel joke! Yeah! That's it!" You went on a tangent in your own head, trying to rationalize what's going on around you. What's your current situation. But no matter how hard you dare try, nothing can make this seem normal. It's too abnormal to be normalised.

"A really weird dream at most..."

You then later drifted off into your own room. Not bothering with anything else, you introduced yourself and left. That's basically what you did. You were filled with discontent. Staring at these walls like they were a prison. The morning after Monokuma had showed us the disturbing videos, we had all sat around a circular table in the dining hall. You were leaning back on your chair. Legs bent and on the table, swinging back and forth. You were undoubtedly focused on your E-Handbook and studying every last rule and learning more about your new classmates.

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