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" M-My lord please wake up."

Hyunjin was still asleep on the bench in the garden, the poor servant couldn't get him to wake up. Seokjin just sighed and he continued to shake him.

" Prince Hyunjin, please wake up."

Hyunjin let out a whine before he opened his eyes, he looked up and he saw his mother's servant looking at him.

" Jin?"

Seokjin sighed with relief, " Oh thank goodness you're awake, your mother would have my head."

Hyunjin sat up and yawned as he wiped his eyes, "W-Where am I?"

" You're in the garden, you slept out here again," Jin explained as he got Hyunjin up.

Hyunjin yawned as he stretched and Jin fixed his collar, " Now come on, your mother wants you at dinner."

Hyunjin groaned, " Dinner?"

" Yes yes, now please let's go before your mother send out the entire knights on us."

Hyunjin rolled his eyes as he followed the servant, as they were walking out of the garden Hyunjin saw something in the bushes.

He squinted his eyes but he couldn't really see anything because it was so dark.

But he knows he saw something move, he tried to look again but it wasn't there anymore.

He was very confused and before he could even think about it, Jin started talking.

" So young prince, how are you?"

Hyunjin blinked out of his thoughts and he looked ahead, " I'm ok."

Jin nodded his head, " That's good, do you remember Jungkook?"

Hyunjin thought about it for a moment, " Um, was he the one that helped babysit me?"

Jin chuckled, " Yes, he's my younger brother too."

Hyunjin blinked, " O-Oh, um yeah why?"

" Well, he's actually in the army in a different kingdom."

Hyunjin wanted to ask why but he didn't want to make a long conversation.

" I was sad to see him go but he wanted to be on his own. He has written me a letter today saying he's so happy and he passed his training. I am so proud of him."

Hyunjin didn't really hear the first part but he heard the last sentence. He couldn't help but feel envious, he wished that his father would be proud of him for something.

The rest of the walk was quiet, something in Hyunjin was telling him that something was off. Or something he saw in those bushes was off.

' Maybe I'm imagining things.'

They walked into the eating hall and the queen smiled, " Hyunjinnie, please come and sit."

Hyunjin gave his mother a quick smile before sitting down, he looked around and he saw his father's and brothers' plates almost empty.

He just began eating while his father was talking.

" So Jinyoung, how did it go with the military?"

" Very well, we were able to get the whole castle surrounded and no one other than us can get in or out."

He nodded his head with contentment, " Nice, Tae? How about you?"

" I was able to get some words from here and there, I heard the spies are from our township, so the spies are probably set up in one of those houses."

// The Missing Prince // Hyunin ; JeongjinWhere stories live. Discover now