The Boar

594 32 13

" Goodnight y'all!"

" Goodnight everyone!"

" Goodnight."

" Night."

" Goodnight!"

" Goodnight you guys."

" Goodnight losers!"

" Shut the fuck up!"


" I'm sorry Chan hyung!"

Jeongin laughed as he laid down in bed, " Minho hyung is something, huh hyungie?"

There was no response, he looked over and he saw the prince had his eyes closed. Jeongin hummed, he turned his body and looked at the ceiling.

" Oh, goodnight hyungie," he whispered.

He sighed as he tried to go to sleep, he couldn't help but think about Hyunjin's behavior today.

After he got done cleaning the stables and returned from the library, he noticed the older zoning out a lot and looked like he was thinking a lot.

' I wonder what was on his mind.'

He shook it off, he tends to overthink about others. He knows that it's not that serious, but still, he couldn't help but worry for the prince.

Something in him just wants to make sure that the prince was ok and he hoped that nothing was harming him.

That's when a large yawn came in and he slowly closed his eyes as he drifted off to sleep.


An hour passes by and Hyunjin laid up from his bed. He yawned softly as he looked outside of the window and the moon was high.

He softly sighed, he slowly got up from the bed and he walked over to the younger's bed.

He fiddled with his fingers, he didn't know why but such anxiety took over him.

Something in his body wants to wake the younger and tell him what's happening. But, he saw how peaceful he looked as he slept.

Those previous anxieties quickly went away when he saw the boy's face, he tilted his head. The more he admires his face, the more he's interested in it.

He doesn't know why but the younger's face looks fairly soft, considering where he lives. Yet, he was very handsome.

Hyunjin had never seen a man this handsome before, he thought he was good-looking but Jeongin was a different story.

As he was going to touch the younger's cheek (for some reason), he blinked when he realized what he was thinking. He retracted his hand back and shook his head.

' No. No! That's so wrong! A man shouldn't think another man is handsome! That's being a f*g, I'm not a f*g!'

He has been doing that too much and he needs to stop thinking those things. Still, the boy's face is still engraved in his mind.

He put his face in his hands,' What is wrong with me?!'

As he was having a mental breakdown, he heard some chatters outside. He stopped and he walked to the window when he did he saw three people walking to the farm.

He noticed Changbin instantly but he couldn't see the other two people. He shrugged his shoulders, he quickly grabbed his shoes and he hurried out of the room.

The prince quickly made it downstairs, he looked around but it was pointless. It was very dark, and he's not so fond of the dark.

So, he quickly hurried out the door and when he did he saw a familiar moonlight on his skin.

// The Missing Prince // Hyunin ; JeongjinWhere stories live. Discover now