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" Minho!? Minho!?"

" Hyung? Hyung! Man, where is he," Jeongin sighed.

" We don't know but hopefully we can find him soon," Chan expressed.

Jisung started to get worried if he would have known that the older would wander off, he would have gone with him.

However, he let his own thoughts and insecurities let him leave. All of a sudden, negative thoughts started popping up in his head.

What if he was in danger?

What if he's hurt?

What if he just left him?

What if he scared him off?

" Jisung!?"

Jisung snapped out of his train of thought, he looked up and he saw the two giving him concerned looks.

" Are you alright," Chan asked.

Jisung blinked before he nodded, " Yeah? Why wouldn't I?"

Jeongin and Chan looked at each other before Jeongin spoke up, " Because you seemed out of it."

This made Jisung become defensive, " How am I out of it? I'm just worried for our friend, my reaction is totally normal."

Jeongin blinked with confusion, " I-"

" Look, worry about your preppy prince instead of giving me advice."

Chan and Jeongin were taken back by his bluntness, Jisung saw their reaction and just went ahead of the two and continued looking. Chan looked at the confused Jeongin and gave him a small smile.

" Don't mind him, he's just worried."

Jeongin nodded, " I know, I get it. He and hyung are close."

Chan looked ahead to see the other riding alone, he sighed, " This is just his way of showing he's nervous. You know how he is."

Jeongin nodded, ' Just like Petal.'

Hard on the outside, but soft on the inside.

They were riding in silence after that, yet inside of the young men's minds, we were filled with worries. They had never been in this type of position before and didn't know how to act or what to do.

Jeongin was just worried about the prince's safety, he wished he could be with him but he knows that he needs to find his hyung so he could be with him.

Chan was just a nervous wreck, he wanted the whole group to be here together so he kept an eye on them but he knew it would be best if they were separated. Yet, he feels this overwhelming anxiety feeling.

He rubbed the back of his ear to calm himself down meanwhile Jisung was so close to having a panic attack but he had to calm down and just look around for-

" Oh my god!? Minho!?"

Chan and Jeongin looked up to see Jisung jumping off of his horse and running in a direction. Chan and the younger did the same and followed the boy.

The duo ran over and they soon stopped, their eyes widen when they saw Jisung untying a beaten-up Minho. Chan ran towards the duo and helped Jisung.

" How in the hell," Jeongin asked as he walked over to them.

The unconscious other was tied up by the bushes, covered with scratches and a black eye. His mouth was covered with some cloth and his hands and feet were tied with some ropes.

When Chan untied Minho, Jisung shook the unconscious boy.

" Minho?! Minho wake the hell out up! Minho?!"

// The Missing Prince // Hyunin ; JeongjinWhere stories live. Discover now