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" Oh Innie~"

Jeongin gulped but he didn't move from his hiding spot, he has been trying to hide from his lover for the past hour.


Because Hyunjin has let this ball thing go into his head and he couldn't stop dressing Jeongin up into different clothes. Left and right, he has been trying on different clothes, getting different hairstyles, and just being tortured.

He just wants a damn break!

Thankfully, when Hyunjin was distracted by his talkative brother. He snuck out and now he's been hiding underneath their bed for the past hour. Sure he'll get his ass kicked later, but this was worth it.

But now, he'll probably get his ass beat sooner since his lover made his way into their room.

' Just stay quiet and he won't hear you!'

" Innie?"

Jeongin held his breath so he wouldn't make a sound, not the best idea but hell. He doesn't want to wear another tight suit and corset ever again.

Hyunjin looked around the room, and when he didn't find the younger. He pouted as he stomped his foot on the ground.

" Where is he?"

He was going to look in the kitchen when he noticed something, he looked around and saw how the covers on the bed were basically on the floor. Then he noticed the pillows were covering the bottom of the bed.

Hyunjin tilted his head, he knows the maids came to make their

The prince wanted to gasp and beat the crap out of his lover, but he got a better idea.

He quickly thought about something sad before tears started streaming down his face. A sob came out of his lips as he whimpered.

" W-Why did he leave? I-I just wanted to h-help," he whined out with his faked crying.

Hyunjin heard a little sigh which made him begin creating loud sobs and started hiccupping. Big tears flew down his face as he tried to wipe them off.

" W-Why does he h-hate m-me?"

Then right on cue, he heard groaning from underneath the bed.


He saw the pillows being pushed and a figure crawling out from underneath the bed. Then appeared his lover, his eyes widening as Jeongin walked over to him.

" I can explain-"

" Ha! I knew it," Hyunjin yelled.

Jeongin blinked as Hyunjin crossed his arms, " You thought you could hide from me! Well, you thought wrong!"

" Wait...what?"

Hyunjin blinked before he remembered he was fake crying, he smirked at him.

" Oh, you so owe me."

It took Jeongin a minute to what was going on before he finally did the math and he glared at the prince.

" You were faking!?"

" That's right! You have been hiding in here for an hour!? We still have to get ready for the ball and you're over here playing games Jeongin!"

Jeongin just stared at the other with disbelief before waving his hands, " Wait a damn minute, you were fake crying?"

Hyunjin sniffed as he nodded his head with a proud smile, " That's right."

" This whole time, you were faking and you can make yourself cry?"

// The Missing Prince // Hyunin ; JeongjinWhere stories live. Discover now