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It's been a week since Hyunjin got there and he never thought he'll say this but he's having a great time.

Well, except for not eating good food, not washing up in his own bath, having a proper toothbrush, or having nice clothes and dealing with Jisung.

But other than that it's been fun.

He's been helping with the chores which he hated at first but he loves helping Felix with the animals.

Not the pigs but the other animals were fun.

His main job is washing the other's clothes since it's the only job he could do without gagging.

But he almost poured the bucket of water on Jisung because he decided to 'accidentally' dropped his clothes in the mud while they were drying.

He had to wash them over again, he doesn't know what's his deal. It's like he hates him for no reason.

But thankfully Jeongin offered to help him and help wash the clothes.

Speaking of Jeongin, he and Hyunjin have gotten very close.

They would stay up to talk about the most random things, like Jeongin's dreams or what Hyunjin dislikes to eat.

They would have the weirdest conversation and Hyunjin loves it.

He finally has a friend, a friend that gets him and understands him.

The prince also has gotten close with Felix, Seungmin, and Changbin. They were pretty nice and he liked their company.

Felix is a very positive person and he likes his energy. Even though he's a hugger that's not too much of a problem.

Seungmin is very smart and he was nice enough to give him a book talking about stars since Jeongin told him he likes them very much.

Changbin was this very nice older brother who helped him with the animals. And he's funny.

He would consider them his friends but Jeongin is his best friend.

Hyunjin didn't have a chance to connect with Chan because he wouldn't be home or he'll be too tired.

Minho still scares him and himself.

Back to Jeongin, he really likes him and he's glad that he helped him with all of this.

But, he still misses his home and his mother. He wonders if they even are trying to look for him, or do anything.

When he goes to town, he doesn't hear anything about the kingdoms which hurts him because it's like he never existed to them.

Especially to his mother.

Now Hyunjin is with the others and hopes he doesn't have to wear that huge cloak every time he goes out.

It's hot.

Now Hyunjin and Jeongin are hanging out in the stables, he was currently sitting on the haystacks while Jeongin is brushing Lucy's hair.

" Innie, it's so hot," he whined.

Jeongin looked and he sighed, " I know, I thought it was spring."

" It is, my mother says it can get very hot but why now," he pouted as he laid down on the hay.

Jeongin hummed, but then an idea popped up in his head.

" Hey hyungie~"

" Yeah?"

" Do you know how to swim?"

Hyunjin stopped playing with the hay and he looked at him, " Yeah?"

" Do you wanna go for a swim," Jeongin smirked.

// The Missing Prince // Hyunin ; JeongjinWhere stories live. Discover now