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" So you're saying if I were to accidentally turn into a pig, you would still eat me?"

Seungmin shrugged his shoulders, " Food is food."

Felix scoffed, then he crawled out of the chickens' coop and he sighed.

" Well, it's not in the hen's coop."

Seungmin sighed, " I guess we can-"

He stopped when he saw Jeongin stomping toward them, and he also saw that he looked extremely pissed.

" Hey Jeongin, did you find the-"

" Screw that damn necklace," Jeongin cut the freckle face boy.

Felix and Seungmin were taken back by the outburst, Jeongin sat down with an angry face and just stayed in silence.

Felix frowned, " What's the matter?"

" Oh, I'll tell you, that spoiled long-haired klutz is the most difficult person to work with!"

Seungmin shook his head, " Let me guess, you two had a fight."

" Oh, it's not just that, he thinks I stole the necklace," he mumbled.

" What," the two teens said in sync.

" Yep, he said I stole it so I can get money," Jeongin rolled his eyes as he remembered the conversation.

Seungmin's jaw clenched, " That's such bullshit."

" I know right and to think we were considered friends," Jeongin huffed.

" Hey now, come on. I know he didn't mean it. Maybe he was just upset, it was a gift from his mother after all," Felix tried to reason.

Seungmin tsked, " When I'm upset, I take a walk. I don't go around accusing people."

The blonde frowned while Jeongin sighed, " I don't know."

Felix saw the sadness on the youngest face, he knew that Jeongin has started to look up to the boy and he could tell that his accusations has hurt the other badly.

Before he could speak, he saw a familiar figure walking toward the house, he looked and he saw Hyunjin.

Seungmin saw this too and he humphed, Jeongin noticed his hyung and he looked to see the prince returning.

He honestly wanted to go question where he has been, but he also wants to smack him. So, he stayed put.

Felix walked up to the prince, " Hyunjin!"

The tired prince looked up and he saw the blonde walking toward him, " I know you lost your necklace but Jeongin didn't take it."

Hyunjin opened his mouth to speak, but his head started pounding intensely. He took a deep breath and he sighed weakly.

" I-"

" And you really hurt my little brother's feelings you know? I mean, yeah he can be difficult but he's not a thief."

His head kept pounding and pounding, his body felt weaker which made him start to feel dizzy with all this noise, so he grabbed his head.

" B-But-"

" Furthermore, we looked everywhere and we didn't find it. Changbinnie looked in the kitchen, Chan hyung looked in the front. Jisung and Minho looked in our rooms, and me and Minnie looked on the farm but we still couldn't find it. I mean we looked everywhere, the pig's stables, the hen's coop, and even the hay! So that just shows that my brother didn't take your necklace. Where was the last time you had it because it's not here and-"

// The Missing Prince // Hyunin ; JeongjinWhere stories live. Discover now