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Veronica walked around the beautiful city keeping an eye out as nice Romanian people asked her is she'd like any thing from their markets "Voi lua niște căpșuni" she said trying to not look suspicious 

Asta e tot? The middle aged woman asked 

Da multumesc! O zi grozavă, domnișoară! She said sending her a polite smile she returned it and took the strawberries and kept walking keeping an eye out only to bump into someone "Shit!" she said dropping her phone 

I am very sorry! A guy with a thick African accent said 

Not its my fault I wasn't paying attention she said picking up her phone and gave the tall attractive guy a small smile 

Udadewethu undazisile ukuba nawe ulixhoba.... (My sister has informed me you are also a victim....)The guy said she looked him in the eyes confused"Utata wabulawa ngu James Barnes njengokuba wayenjalo nodade wenu ndiyazi ukuba nizokumbulala" (My father was killed by James Barnes as was your sister I know you're here to kill him) he said (I just noticed that Xhosa looks like I'm just typing random letters so I'm gonna put what it says in English) 

Who are you? She asked 

I'm T'Challa he said extending his hand 

Should I trust him? she asked Venom

I have no clue. He replied she wanted to roll her eyes at him but didn't want T'Challa thinking she was rolling her eyes at him so she just took his hand in hers shaking it 


Mmm Veronica hummed hitting T'Challa's arm he looked at her she pointed at the bag being thrown to the building in front of them as she ate her strawberries "Ven you ready" she asked out loud T'Challa looked at her confused 


T'Challa shook his head thinking he was hallucinating making her smile 

He's jumping in... three...two...one He counted T'Challa's suit came on and Venom came out freaking T'Challa out slightly 

What the hell is that? he asked 

Let's go! Venom said jumping he joined them Venom tackled Bucky the two rolling Venom landed kneeling he looked up at Bucky 

What the... Bucky said before being tackled by T'Challa the two began trying to fight him the two looked back as someone began shooting at them before Venom was thrown off Bucky got up making a run for it the two ran after him joined by Captain America chasing him through traffic the two jumped onto the police cars the cops trying to shake them off but failing Venom jumped up grabbing onto the flying dudes leg he tried kicking him off but also failed as Bucky threw up a bomb he came to a halt making them fly off of him Venom reached out his hand forming into claws and stabbed into the tires of the bike Bucky was on making him fall off the two rolled but Venom pushed himself up going at Bucky only to be shoved by Captain America he looked up at him slight fear in his eyes T'Challa stood by her side as they looked at him another guy flew in holding up his hands and guns coming out his shoulders 

Stand down now he said Venom looked back as caps got out of the cars pointed their guns at them Venom slowly went back into Veronica as T'Challa put his claws away 

It's a girl Captain America said under his breath with a small head tilt shocked two cops forcefully grabbed her arms putting them behind her back before she was placed into a van sitting next to T'Challa Captain America and Sam behind them 

Hit And Run/ Bucky Barnes (COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now