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So you like cats? Sam asked 

Sam Steve said looking over his shoulder slightly 

What? Dude shows up like a cat with a weird body guard you don't want to know more Sam asked 

I'm not his body guard I came to get revenge so- 

We ask you as a vigilante how long do you think you can keep your friend safe from us? Venom asked finishing Veronica's sentence 


As the four got out of the van Sharon smiled "Nice to see you again Agent Hoskins" she said with a small nod Steve, Sam and T'Challa looked at her they began walking inside 

You will be provided with a office instead of a cell and do me a favor stay in it Ross said 

We don't intend on going anywhere Venom said Ross looked at her for a quick second still not used to Venom's voice T'Challa and Veronica split sitting on the couch pulling out their phones Veronica let out a small sigh noticing she didn't tell Lamar about her leaving and now he's blowing up her phone 

Where are you?

Why aren't you answering your phone?

Tell me why I just saw you on the goddamn news? 

Ronnie, I swear to god!!!

I'll call you and fill you in with everything later I promise

She texted back only for him to say "Whatever" 


Nope Veronica said cutting Tony off he made a face 

She's married run along Venom spoke up she smiled slightly as Tony made a slightly frightened face 

You betcha he said getting up walking away her smiled slowly faded away as the power shut off she looked over at T'Challa only for them to look back seeing Steve and Sam sprint out they stood up watching as Sharon ran out with Tony and Natasha they soon ran after them to see Natasha getting choke by Bucky T'Challa kicked him in the side making him let go of her and fought him as Veronica made sure Sharon, Tony, and Natasha were okay she looked over as T'Challa ran towards her 

Where is he she asked 

He's disappeared he said 

Goddamn it! she gritted through her teeth as she went to walk Sharon grabbed her arm pulling her back towards her 

If you find him tell me you're not going to kill him she said 

I'm happy to eat her Venom said 

No you're not eating Sharon! she said 

What? Sharon asked letting go of her arm 

Nothing she said turning away from her she rolled her eyes "No oatmeal cookies for a week" she said under her breath 


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