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Bucky and Veronica jumped awake hearing AJ, Cass, Nico, and TJ  play fighting with the shield "Hey!" Bucky said waving at them

Put it back! TJ said to Nico hitting him upside the head he quickly put it back and the four ran away Veronica looked up at Bucky as he smiled spacing out

What are you smilin about she whispered he looked at her as she fixed the blanket on them

Thinking about how you should stop he said carefully grabbing her arm as she almost got the edge that was stuck she let out a huff giving up making him smile he reached grabbing the blanket

That's my ass she said

I know he said fixing the blanket then letting his hand rest back on her butt his other hand on her back

Hm she hummed

What Bucky asked

I thought your metal arm would feel different she said motioning to it on her butt he let out a small chuckle kissing her glad that he was finally able to "I'm tired" she mumbled resting her head back on his chest nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck while playing with his dog tags they soon got up and went back to helping Sam

Nope Sarah said shaking her head at the three as they tried fixing the water pump

Hey Ms. Wilson she said with a small smile in a slightly flirty tone Sam sent her a glare as Bucky smiled

In our defense, we were supposed to be done before you woke up Sam said

Oh hell no Ronnie get your dumbass away from that stuff your gonna brake something Violet said standing next to Sarah

I'll throw this at you she said raising the wrench 

No you will not Bucky said taking it out of her hand

Fine I'll use this pipe wrench she said holding it up

You will also not use those Sam said taking them from her as Bucky took away anything she could use as a weapon which was pretty much everything the boys soon walked off after Bucky threatened Veronica if she lifted anything heavy of use her bad arm

So how long have you and Bucky been together Sarah asked

Not long but they've been flirting since... six years ago Violet said 

Damn Sarah said Veronica rolled her eyes

Ya'll could of been married by now Violet said

Shut up! Veronica said hitting her with her bad arm she closed her eyes tightly as pain ran through her arm "Fuck" she whispered

You want me to get Bucky? Violet asked

No I'm fine she said

Here Sarah said running off and soon coming back with a water bottle and ibuprofen

Thanks she said taking the pill out of the palm of her hand putting it in her mouth she opened the bottle for her and handed it to her she took the bottle and chugged half of it

Take your time Violet said nodding Sarah chuckled once she finished it Sarah went to take the bottle but she took the cap from her putting it on the bottle

I got you don't need to baby me she said walking away to throw the bottle away Bucky soon came back to get her

Come on we need to go he said

Okay let me say bye she said he nodded and followed her as she said by the boys first the Violet and Sarah

Hit And Run/ Bucky Barnes (COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now