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Okay I ran out of patience Underoos! Tony yelled Veronica flipped out Venom's slimy hand snatching Steve's shield Peter webbed up his hands and Veronica landed a few feet in front of Peter she threw the shield up to him as "Nice job, kids" he said Veronica sent Tony a death glare after Tony and Steve had a small chit chat Clint used his arrows to shoot at the webs cutting Steve loose 

Alright Lang Steve said Scott grew back to human size taking the shield out of Peter's hands at the same time "I believe this is yours, Captain" he said handing the shield back to him 

Just give me the word Venom said Veronica nodded slightly glad her uncle taught her and her sibling different fighting styles when she was younger

Barnes is mine! she yelled out braking out into a run for the building Steve threw his shield at her she ducked in time before it hit her he ran at her trying to keep her from Bucky as long as he could and she was soon thrown to the ground as they threw a truck at them causing it to blow up Tony ran to her helping her up "Was this part of the plan" she asked 

Well my plan was to go easy on them you wanna switch it up? he asked 

Can we eat them? Venom asked 

Venom ask me to eat someone other than Barnes again I'm going to hurt you she said annoyed 

Excuse me? Tony said leaning his head forward making sure he heard them right 

Nothing she said walking to T'Challa and Rhodey the two grabbed onto him as he flew them to the others as Vision warned Steve and his team Veronica gave Bucky a death glare they started to walk forward making Veronica walk forward the rest of the team joined her and soon they started to pick up the pace "Now" she said Venom came out right as they broke out into a run Venom and T'Challa went after Bucky 

I didn't kill your father or your sister! Bucky said as Venom had him in a choke hold 

Then why did you run Venom asked before slamming him to the ground as he went to bite his head off he was stopped he looked over to see Wanda using her telekinesis she threw them at the airplane 

Do you always have to be slow before going to bite someone's head off Veronica asked   

I just like them to be scared he said pushing them up jumping out of the plane before getting back to fighting 

We haven't met yet.... I'm Clint he said 

I don't care Venom said before running at him before glitching at the high pitch screeching noise 

RHODEY STOP Veronica yelled out in pain he looked down at her right as Clint punched her he flew at him fighting him off as Venom came back out they looked over as T'Challa ran to her "Where is he?" she asked transforming back into herself 

He got away he said she punched the wall without thinking 

GOD!- she cut herself off holding her hand he placed his hands on her shoulders

We'll find him he said

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