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Madripoor could give New York a run for its money. Sam said

They know how to party. Zemo said

With that bounty on your head, the longer you're in Madripoor, the less likely you're ever leaving. All right. He's in there. Container four-two-six-one. I'll keep an eye out while you guys talk to Nagel. But hurry. We're on borrowed time. Sharon said handing them ear pieces Veronica put hers on as she walked to the container

Hey, Sharon. You sure this is the right one? Sam asked looking over Veronica "It's completely empty." he added

Positive. It has to be. Sharon said Veronica walked past Zemo who had walked in front of her to the back of the container pushing it and it opened revealing a stair case she cleared her throat getting the attention of the idiots they looked at her

When that get there Sam whispered

Oh Dios mío, estoy atrapado con idiotas de mierda she said under her breath Bucky sent her a glare taking out a gun Sam followed taking out his she walked forward "Ven, keep and eye out" she whispered walking up the steps peeking out she saw a guy singing to music she walked forward walking towards him the three following close behind her she turned the music off crossing her arms

Dr. Nagel? Sam standing slightly behind her asked

Who are you? What do you want? he asked

We know you created the super-soldier serum. Veronica said

Get out of my lab. he said going to walk past them she grabbed his arm

Hey! You know who he is, right? she asked facing him towards Bucky "This is Baron Zemo. I know you've heard of him, too, right? You seem like a pretty smart guy. So you better become conversational real quick." she said dragging him along slightly shoving him into the wall

How about a counter proposal? Make me a better offer and I'll talk. he said with a sly smile his eyes flashing from her chest to her face making Bucky glare at him

Guys, we have company... Every bounty hunter in the city is here. We gotta go! Sharon said as Bucky shoved Wilfred into the chair putting his gun to his head

Talk. She demanded he looked up at her with the same sly smile Bucky pulled the gun away shooting next to him

Okay. Okay. he said his smile long gone

"I was brought into HYDRA's Winter Soldier program to pick up their work after the five failed test subjects in Siberia. When HYDRA fell, I was recruited by the CIA. They had blood samples from an American test subject with semi-stable traces of serum in his system. After much labor, I was able to isolate the necessary compounds in his blood. I was a god." he said leaning forward Veronica looked away trying not to laugh "I did what no other scientist since Erskine was able to do. But mine was going to be different. No clunky machines or jacked up bodies. Mine was going to be subtle, optimized, perfect." he said making Veronica uncomfortable on the way he spoke

Hit And Run/ Bucky Barnes (COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now