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Ronnie? Sam asked as Bucky and him walked to her as she tried taking the bullet out on her own

Blocking my light. she said

We gotta get you to a hospital. Sam said

She's not gonna listen. Bucky said

It's not the worst thing that's happened to me all week. she said and grunted as she pulled the bullet out

Told you- oh my god! Bucky said as blood poured out she let out a small laugh using the stuff she stole out of the ambulance to stitch her wound up

Uh, Cap? a guy asked

I think he's talking to you. Veronica said the two looked at her concerned "Suit looks good on you." she said he chuckled

Thanks. he said

All right, look, can we get out of here, please? Bucky asked her she nodded and the two walked away Bucky holding onto her


Veronica looked back as Bucky did the dishes "Oh Jesus stop!" she said as he put a dirty dish in the dishwasher

What?! he asked

You're supposed to WASH it she said taking the plate out

Then what is the dishwasher for he asked

To make sure they're clean she said washing the plates and then putting them back into he dishwasher

Sounds like your just wasting money he said crossing his arms as she turned the dishwasher on she rolled her eyes

You bitch a lot she said he stopped himself from saying something making her raise her brows "No please say what you were going to say" she said taking a step closer to him

No it's okay he said

Pussy she sang quietly

Shut up he said rolling his eyes

Make me she blurted

Uh oh

What'd you say? Bucky asked taking a step forward

I was kidding she said backing up

You sure? he asked

Mhm she hummed he ran at her she screamed running away he laughed as he caught her "That's not fair!" she said as he laid on her so she couldn't get up she gave up on trying to shove him off making him smile

You give up he said

Yup she said popping the 'p' he chuckled getting off of her as he went to get up she swept him of his feet making him fall to the floor "HA" she yelled getting up quickly before he could try anything

Your asking for it he said getting up

No! she yelled running out of her house he ran after her chasing her around the yard he finally caught her and the two panted "Okay... okay... I give up" she panted looking up at him


Oh! There he is! Bucky said as Veronica and him got to the cook out they played around with AJ, Cass, TJ, and Nico play fighting with them as they made there way to the table to set down the food they brought

Where's Vi? she asked ruffling TJ's hair he pointed to her cutting up food with Sarah "Alright" she whispered and snuck up behind them "BOO!" she yelled they both screamed and looked back at her with a death glare

La próxima vez que te apuñale Violet said hitting her she laughed and grabbed a cherry tomato popping it into her mouth as she walked away

Where you been? Sam asked

Oh I went and scared Vi and Sarah then was threatened she said

Who threatened you he asked passing her a beer

Vi she said taking off the cap taking a swig

Come on can we play Cops vs. Robbers AJ asked pulling at her arm

I'm a robber Cass yelled

Same TJ yelled

My also she said raising her hand setting her beer down running off with them Nico grabbed Bucky's arm pulling him along with them

Your a cop like me he said

Okay he nodded and they began play fighting again as Veronica got away with the "money" Bucky and Veronica soon went back to Sam as he talked with Sarah and Violet

Stop being so negative, Sam. You know when life gives you lemons-

You throw them at Ronnie Sam said cutting Violet off

How rude you pigeon maybe I'll throw you some bread Veronica said his jaw dropped as Bucky, Sarah, and Violet bursted into fits of laughter Sam glared at her flipping her off

It's not a bird costume! he said defensively

Mhm she hummed nodding with a small laugh they all hung out till people started to leave Bucky and Sam passed out on the couch leaving Veronica unsupervised and getting wasted as Sarah and Violet just kept an eye on her

Bucky! Wake up, Bucky! Come on, Bucky, we've got to hide the body! There's no cheese and crackers in prison, Bucky! Now come on! she said

Doll what-

Who will they believe an agent, or her boyfriend? They don't allow boyfriends in prison, Buck! They'll put you down. Now come on! she said pulling him up he looked over seeing Violet recording as soon as she saw him look at her she stopped and hid her phone

Why'd you let her get this drunk he asked as she ran off

She threatened us with Venom Sarah said they looked over as she tripped

Who's there?! Sam yelled jumping up

Nobody fuck off! she said pushing herself up they laughed walking to her Sam rubbed his eyes going back to sleep

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