Chapter 2.2

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Abhi was not able to believe the fact that ranbir loves someone other than Rhea

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Abhi was not able to believe the fact that ranbir loves someone other than Rhea . He felt pity on her . He went near her and consoled her .

" Rhea , please don't cry princess " said abhi

" Why should I not cry dad , he left me , he made fun out of me infront of everyone " said rhea while sheding crocodile tears

" How can he leave just like that , he didn't even cared about my daughter " shouted abhi

" This is all happening because of prachi , she snatched my love , my ranbir from me " said rhea for manipulating everyone against prachi

" No Rhea , prachi told me that she don't love ranbir " said pragya in prachi's defence

" No mom she always tried to snatch my happiness from me and she finally succeeded in it " cried rhea

" Pallavi , vikram and dida you were knowing ranbir loves prachi then why did you fixed this alliance , why did you gave false hopes to my rhea " asked abhi

" Because we wanted ranbir and Rhea to get married , as prachi was only behind Ranbir's money " said pallavi

" Pallavi ji not a word against my daughter " said pragya

" Yes pallavi , prachi can't do that " abhi supported pragya

" I will not leave her she snatched my love " said rhea and like a mad woman she started shouting prachi's name but forgoted that it was too late as she too left because of her ( rhea ) condition .
Prachi , prachi , where are you

" Aryan please call prachi , she might be knowing where is ranbir " said vikram
" Yes ...yes uncle " said Aryan and immediately went in Prachi's room .
Prachi prachi where are you Aryan shouted but he didn't found her , he saw the cupboard was opened and empty he searched everywhere but only got a letter .
He took it and went down
" Chucks ... I ..this letter " stammered Aryan
Everyone were shocked , whether prachi also left the house ? they questioned themselves

" Letter " abhi took the note , his hand was trembling

" First of all congratulations rhea atlast you became Mrs Rhea Ranbir Kohli , and may you live a happy married life . I am writing this letter to only make you all people aware that I am leaving your house , if i would have not wrote this letter I am sure you all would have not noticed it . I know due to me you all were facing problems in your life , so I am leaving . I know it would not make a slightest difference in your life and you all must be very happy , but i know my this decision would have made a great difference in my sisters life , shahana i know you will be feeling bad , or you must be cursing yourself that you couldn't stopped me but please dont feel guilty as this was the only solution of all problem . And my another sister who hates me to the core , i know rhea you must be very happy , as now everyone will love you , you will get everyone 's attention , the family is all yours , i know you asked me to leave the house after the wedding but i left it before only just to get rid of little pain . I never tried to snatch anything from you , and today i am giving everything to you my maa , my papa , my family and the most important my love . And please take care of them . I know maa you will be little sad but dont worry rhea is there na , the way she took you from me i know she will keep you happy , I just took a family photo with me and please dont lodge a complaint against me for stealing it . And atlast I am sorry ranbir
May you all live a happy life ahead

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